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My birthday celebration had finally come. It was going to be held in my penthouse with few people in attendance later that night.

My dad who flew from Greece at first wanted the venue to be a high-end hotel ballroom with several people in attendance just like my previous birthday celebration but I specifically told him that this year I wanted it to be an intimate celebration with family and my friends.

Since I have a huge influence on my dad, he gave in to my request with no qualms. It was always been like that for as long as I remember. It was common knowledge back in Greece that my father, Spiro, couldn't say no to his only child.

People assumed that I was a spoiled princess whom my widower father indulged with my every whim. For a time, maybe I was that kind of girl but as I started work and stood on my own feet I started to realize that happiness didn't always mean a new pair of shoes or a new limited edition bag.

Someone made me realize that. I watched the man who was busy cooking breakfast for us while I sat on the kitchen aisle.

Calix made me understand that a pair of shoes it didn't matter if it was cheap or expensive was still a pair of shoes. It could take you to places. He wasn't frugal or anything, he was just practical about things since he didn't much rely on his family's wealth. He used to live a simple life not caring about other people's expectations of him.

And I admire him for that. He taught me so much about adulting 101. Since he was a few years older than me he taught me how to budget my money and informed me not to buy anything if I didn't need that stuff.

I became more conscious of how to spend my hard-earned money as a curator at the art gallery and now I could proudly say some weeks had passed and yet I didn't make a single purchase which was very unlikely in the past. I used to go shopping almost every other day to buy things I didn't need.

"I think my face will bore a hole with your stares."

I felt the smile spreading on my face while still admiring him. He was cooking in front of me and he was so handsome in his apron. "I like staring at your face."

He spared me a glance and a wide smile appeared on his face. "I always believe that you will fall for me hard and fast given a chance. I should have pursued you sooner."

I chuckled, giving him a challenging look. "I beg to disagree. You aren't sure of yourself that's why you waited long enough before you approached me with your flirtatious airs."

He scowled in my direction. "Hey! I just made sure that Loukas was finally out of the picture before I made my move. I want to approach you the moment you arrive at the island even before the ceremony starts if not for the pain I saw on your face watching my cousin get married."

"I didn't do such a thing!" I denied it while I felt the heat spreading through my cheeks. I couldn't believe that he had been looking at me since then. I thought I hid my emotions pretty well during the ceremony I guess I was wrong.

"Yes, you did!" He insisted with the scowl still carved on his handsome face. "Your expression that day was a dead giveaway about your feelings for Loukas."

I puffed while looking at him wryly. "Why are you bringing this up again?"

"You started this."

There was a maddening smile on my face when I realized the reason why he was so riled up again. "Don't tell me you still get jealous when you recall the past?"

"Yes, I am," his blue eyes were challenging me. "Why? Do you have a problem with that?"

I hid my smile as I felt my heart dance with happiness at the moment. Sometimes, I still couldn't believe that this man was head over heels in love with me.

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