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I was quite excited for the office hours to end. Usually, I immediately headed home after a long day at work except for today. This was the first time I would extend my hours at the office.

"Are you sure that you don't need help?" Kate asked as she peeked at my office before clocking out of the art gallery.

I gave her a bright smile. "Yes, I will be fine," I reassured her. I knew that she was just worried about me working alone at the gallery tonight but I just haven't informed her that I wasn't all alone working on hanging the portraits in the main hall. I have someone who offered his help in exchange for dinner after.

"You sure?" My new friend and coworker asked skeptically. "I can stay and help you out."

I shook my head resolutely. "No. I will be fine. I can manage from here. Thanks for your help, though."

"All right, if you are sure. See you tomorrow, Cassie." She bid her goodbye with a wave of her hand before closing the door of my office gently.

Once I was alone in my office, I glanced at my wristwatch to see the time. He should be here any moment now. I told him to come to the art gallery after seven in the evening. I went to the entrance to wait for him, a bright smile spread through my face when I saw the familiar figure standing outside the glass door. I hastened my pace to unlock the door and let him inside.

"Hi," I greeted cheerfully, happy to see him.

"Am I late, Miss Curator?" Calix asked with the corner of his mouth twitching with a small smile.

"No, you are just in time," I answered with a chuckle. I couldn't help but appreciate how handsome he was in his casual clothes tonight. He wore a smart casual outfit with a jacket, a white shirt inside a pair of jeans, and a pair of shoes. I raised an eyebrow in his direction playfully. "Are you sure you're here to give me a hand or you are here to view our gallery? I think you are too dressed for the job."

He consciously glanced at his appearance. "You think so?" Before I could even utter some reply he swiftly removed his jacket and tossed it aside. "How about now?"

I couldn't help but stare at his biceps. I didn't like those types of guys who were too buff but Calix's muscles were just in the right place...

"I think we are not going to finish anything if you keep on staring at me like that, Cass." He joked lightly. "I came here to help not to be subjected to your lustful stares."

I felt that my cheeks suddenly burned up at his words. My lips parted in disbelief in his direction. "Excuse me?! I am not staring at you like that. I-I am just thinking..."

It was his turn to arch a brow at me. Oh, how could I be that stupid to be caught staring at his body like that? I wanted to die with mortification right this moment. "About my body?"

I cleared my throat as I tried to glare at him. "You are mistaken, Mister. That's the last thing on my mind, how could I possibly have such incident thoughts about you when I just thought that your outfit—"

The words died in my mouth when he crossed the distance between us and lifted my chin to meet his gaze while he planted a quick but firm kiss on my lips. "Stop blabbering. Relax, I am just teasing you. There is no need to be defensive."

I pouted at him just like a child. "But—"

"Shhh..." he hushed me, planting another kiss on my mouth. "We need to get to work before I forget the main reason why we are here. The sooner we finish our task the earlier I can take you home, Miss Vitalis, and love you all night long."

Falling For Mr. SpiridakouWhere stories live. Discover now