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"Is there something wrong, my daughter?"

"Hmm?" I distractedly glanced at my father who was sitting next to me at the back of his luxurious car. We were on our way to the charity gala. I arrived home last night and so far it seemed that I was still suffering from jet lag my body clock was still used to New York time. "What makes you say that, Baba?"

"You appear to be distracted since we left home. Is there something that's bothering you tonight? You can tell me."

I laughed at my father's worried expression. "Oh, I'm fine, baba, you don't need to worry about me."

"You sure?" My father asked suspiciously.

"Yes!" I grinned at him merrily. I miss spending time with him like this, ever since I relocated to New York due to work I rarely went home after months of living abroad. This was probably the first time I was back here since I left.

"Tell me about your life in the US."

"Pardon?" I looked at him with curious eyes. I didn't expect that question from him. For a moment, I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. "What do you mean?"

His stern eyebrows drew together. "I'm interested to know what keeps you busy in America since you rarely called your baba since you moved to New York. I want to know how your life is far away from your family."

"Oh," for some reason I felt slightly uncomfortable with his question. I knew that he was not interrogating me but merely asking me but it felt like he was cross-examining me. Also, I slightly felt guilty for not calling him often these last few months. "It's fine, baba."

"Do you have a social life back there?"

I swallowed hard as I somewhat shifted in my seat at the back of the car. "Yes, I have gained a lot of friends in New York most of them are my coworkers at the gallery."

He nodded absorbing the information. "I see. Is there anything else I should know?"

"Huh? What do you mean, baba?" I asked oddly while fully aware of how my heart started beating so loudly in my chest but I tried to remain calm and collected. My father, Spiro Vitalis, was a very perceptive man any slight difference from your behavior he would immediately notice it.

"You made no mention of men," he gave me a sharp glance while there was a smile playing on his lips. "I'm sure there were more than a few who are after my daughter in the US. Are you currently dating, Cassie?"

"What?! No!" I denied it with a laugh but even in my ears, my laugh sounded off. I hoped that my father would not notice it. "I am not dating anyone, baba."

I hate lying and I never lie to my father, I always believed that you must always come clean to the people you love because if you love them you will not lie to them. Technically, I am not lying to my father right now since I was not dating anyone. But an image of a handsome Greek man flashed inside my head. I was sleeping with that man and I was not dating him.

I saw my father sigh deeply and shook his head in the process. "And here I was, hoping that's not the case."

"I don't understand..." I frowned at my father questioningly.

He sat back comfortably on the expensive leather of his car. "I thought that you would consider entering the dating scene once you arrived in New York and you'd give yourself a chance to meet other men. But I guess you are not still over with Loukas."

"Oh!" I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I didn't realize that my father was hoping that I would try going out with guys so I could forget Loukas as soon as possible. "I don't think I am ready for that, baba."

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