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I drove to my apartment, threw my suitcase on the bed, and started throwing my things inside.

My eyes were misted with tears. I felt betrayed by the people I trusted the most in my life. First, my dad led me to believe that he and my mom had a happy marriage and that he was a model husband when that was not the case. Then, there was Calix, who kept this from me for so long. Did he think I couldn't handle the truth?

Perhaps he didn't have any plans of telling me at all? They wanted to keep me in the dark thinking I am such a weak woman that it would be better to keep this secret from me and let them settle this thing on their own.

I didn't bring so many clothes only the things that could fit in my luggage and some winter clothes. To be honest, I didn't know where I would go. All I knew was that I wanted to get away from all of this.

I wanted to escape the pain that seeped through me from the moment I learned the horrible truth.

Calix is my half-brother.

I think fate was indeed very cruel to me. It led me to fall in love and get intimate with my half-brother. If only...

I shook my head, wiping my tears furiously. There was no use in regretting now. I believed that everything happened for a reason. I just hope that I will get over this soon.

Zipping my suitcase, I checked my passport in my bag. I was ready to run away from all of this--to cool down until I realized that I wanted to cut off my ties with the rest of them for a while.

I felt my phone, cards, keys, and everything that would remind me of my oblivious life. Besides, I didn't want them to have something that could trace me.

Thankfully, I still have good enough cash in me. This would be enough for me to start a new life somewhere.

I went outside my apartment and looked one last time at the place I truly cherished from the moment I first laid my eyes on it when I first went to my apartment hunting two years ago.

That was also the year I first got entangled with the Spiridakous when I got smitten with Loukas and became friends with Dionne. With a painful sigh, I firmly locked the door behind me and walked outside the apartment building to hail a taxi.

Once I got to the airport, I paid the cab driver in cash something that I was not using frequently.

I walked inside the busy airport and went to the check-in line of the airline.

"Yes, ma'am?" The ground crew had said with a ready smile on her face.

I arranged my oversized sunglasses on my face. I wore it so they wouldn't see how puffy my eyes were at the moment. "I need a plane ticket. It doesn't matter what country as long as it's visa-free for a Greek passport."

The woman gave me a worried look. "Well, I am not sure about your request since every flight is fully booked at the moment. Maybe we can have you book for another day?"

"No. I want to leave Greece as soon as possible. Today most probably."

"Okay," the woman behind the counter had said. "The only way you can leave Greece today is by being on standby. But there is still no guarantee that you can have a seat by being a chance passenger. There are already five people on the waiting list."

I nodded. I knew that I couldn't use my privilege here if I wanted to go undetected from my Dad or even Calix. "I'll accept that."

She smiled at me and gestured for those waiting chairs nearby. "You can sit and I'll call for you if there's any good news, ma'am."

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