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I barely slept last night worrying about Calix. He hadn't called me even once since he dropped me off in front of my apartment building. I knew that he had a lot on his mind but I wish that he bothered to call me even for a short moment so I would know if he was okay.

Sighing deeply, I threw the cover away from my legs and sat on the edge of the bed. I was tempted to call him to inquire how was he since I was so worried for him since we left New York.

My heart was also anxious when he was away. I got used to his presence and I couldn't sleep at night when he wasn't next to me.

I decided to make myself some coffee since worrying about him and waiting for his calls would only put me in a gloomy mood early in the morning.

I made my way to the kitchen yawning put a coffee pod on the espresso machine and waited. I yawned again watching the coffee drip down on my glass coffee mug. I was sleepy and yet I couldn't sleep. When I tried to close my eyes, all I could think of was Calix and his woes.

My attention was caught when I heard my phone ringing. I went back to my bedroom thinking it might be finally Calix. My hope died down when I saw Dionne's name on the screen.

I still tried to sound jolly as I answered her on FaceTime. "Hey, what's up?" I frowned worriedly when I saw her crying face on the screen. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Cassie," she sobbed uncontrollably. "Calix..."

I instantly became alert hearing his name. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I don't know," she answered, wiping the tears from her face. "I went to visit our mom this morning and I found the two of them arguing. Calix was fumingly mad at our mother and I can't calm him down."

"Oh, Lord..." I placed my hand against my mouth to hide my shock. From the background, I saw Mrs. Spiridakou also crying on the sofa. "Where is he now?"

"I don't know he stormed off just now. I don't know where he went. I just knew he said he was going to confront 'that man'."

I bit my bottom lip anxiously, my mind was already racing on the places where he had probably gone. I just hope that he would not do something stupid while he was in this state.

"He is going to see your dad, Cassie." Mrs. Spiridakou said from the sofa.

"P-Pardon?" I stared blankly at their mom who was in the background. And then it hit me in an instant. No, it can't be... Or it can?

Everything fell into place, suddenly I felt my legs lose their strength. I staggered at the realization as I understood the meaningful words of Calix in the past few days since his last trip to Greece. I could feel like my tears were about to fall but I stopped them hoping that I was just wrong with my assumptions.

Oh, how I wish that I was mistaken.

"Why would he want to see Cassie's father?" Dionne asked her mother wonderingly.

Irina didn't answer and that was the confirmation I was waiting for. My brain refused to accept. "I-I got to go...Dionne. I will talk to you soon."

I didn't for her and disconnected the phone call. I went back to my room and changed my pajamas before grabbing my keys and driving to my father's house.

My hands were shaking badly as I drove. I barely noticed the traffic lights as I headed to my destination. I didn't care if I would get speeding tickets after this I just hope to confirm this on my own.

After almost half an hour I finally arrived at the mansion where my father lived. It was my childhood home, I had so many happy memories in this place with my parents and now I was dreading entering this place.

Falling For Mr. SpiridakouWhere stories live. Discover now