𝘖𝘕𝘌 - The Unavoidable Death Of Robin Arellano

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𝘙𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘯'𝘴 𝘗𝘖𝘝:

If you told me tonight would be the night I died, I wouldn't have believed you.

I'm not really a superstitious person, which is a surprise to some. Well, I mean, I've believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy, but Zombies and Vampires never really crossed my mind.

Until recently.

Lately I'd awake in a cold sweat from a nightmare. Nightmares, about a being. A person who'd suck your blood, who was pale, sickly. Dead.

But at the time I wouldn't realize that. I'd just view this person as some sick cannibalistic psycho. But he wouldn't go away. Maybe it's because I knew him, well, I recognized him.

His name was Vance Hopper, he had long blonde curly hair that seemed poorly dyed, he had ocean blue eyes and he always wore these tacky denim jackets that were torn and stained.

Notice how I said "was"? Well that's because he's dead now. Nobody knows how he died, it was suspected to be murder, although the body was never found. Couldn't he have just been a runaway if we have no proof of his death? Something terrible is going down in this town, I just know it.

People are dropping like flies. Every week, multiple people just disappear. It's so bad we have a curfew now, and police are everywhere, watching over each and every one of us.

They locked some man up, apparently he was the one who was causing this. But they were wrong, because it's still happening. And he's still locked up, his execution is taking place next month.

Walking home from my friend, Billy's house was scary. It has been for awhile now. Especially considering how dark it was outside, and how thick the fog in the sky was. It felt like I was in some sort of sick horror movie I'd watch with my uncle or my good friend Finney.

The streets were dead quiet, and I was out after curfew. I was pretty much breaking some sort of law, I could just picture myself behind some rustic bars in a cold cell.

The sound of my shoes clacking against the cement and my shakey breathing was startlingly loud and only brought more tension to my walk home. And for the first time in awhile, I was genuinely scared to death.

My hands in my pockets, I kept my eyes ahead, making sure not to look anywhere else but what was ahead of me (cracked cement, houses, and trees that led to a forest I used to play in as a child) in fear that if I even slightly looked to my left or right something would be there with me, waiting for the perfect time to strike. To get me. To make sure I'd be the latest missing poster hung along the old wooden fences of neighborhoods or to make sure I was the topic of our schools next assembly. To make sure my parents would have to call the police station, crying, filing a missing child report. To make sure I was the city's latest gossip.

A gush of wind hit me, which made me shiver but jump up out of fear. The thoughts were getting to me.

'Just keep walking, Robin. Don't look back. '
I'd tell myself, trying to not think about this all. But then when I heard a familiar whisper, that's what broke me.

I heard a mysterious faint whisper. I was trembling at this point, frozen, not knowing what to do. Do I run? Do I answer the voice? Do I just ignore it? Is any of this even real?

I spat out, fearfully.

It replied, this time a bit louder, and more angry than before.

"Robin, I'm behind you."
It hissed, whoever it was, sounded like they were closer to me than they were before.

This frightened me, I ran. I ran, I ran, and I ran. Was this it? Was this how I was gonna go? Was I going to go missing, when really I was kidnapped, tortured to death, then thrown into a river?

My feet hit the ground as quickly as possible, not knowing where to go, I ran for the forest, the forest I played in as a child.

Rustling through the Forest's lush, I heard something behind me, it was fast. Way faster than any human could go. Was it an animal?

"Robin, don't run."
It whispered, echoing around me it was definitely not an animal. The voices reassurance didn't make me stop running, as much as it wanted me to stop.

I was running so fast and focusing on escaping this mysterious voice I didn't realize how bumpy the ground had became. A rock on the floor I didn't notice made me trip over. Gashing my knee open on a rock and screaming in pain, gritting my teeth.

"Oh, Robin."
The voice echoed around me, I was trembling. I was scared.

I cried, I've never felt this terrified. It felt like one huge nightmare. It felt like the stories Finney and Billy would tell me came to life.

The voice was echoing around me, whispering and yelling my name over and over. My ears rang, thick tears plopped down my waterline, running down my cheeks. My knee hurt, I couldn't breathe. I covered my ears, it was so loud. All of the sudden, I heard a pop. A loud pop. Blood gushed out of my ears. I removed my fingers from my ears, glancing down at the glossy redness that was dripping down my hands, I screamed.

I shouted shakily, my knees trembled and I suddenly felt a cold breeze, before everything went silent.

I layed down on my back and sighed, thankful I was at a somewhat peace now. My screams were listened to. Atleast I thought in the moment.

I don't know how long I layed there, sobbing in pain. But my trance was interrupted by the rough sound of shoes hitting against rocks. My body hurt too much to sit up, so I just called out to the noise.

I muttered, my throat hurt from screaming.

The voice said, calmly. It sounded human this time. It sounded familiar.

It approached me, and sat down, gazing down at me.

It was, Vance Hopper?

I practically yelled, but he put his finger over my mouth, insisting I be quiet.

He said, putting his hand over my back and propping me up against a rather large rock. I groaned in pain, my knee was still throbbing and so were my ears.

"I thought you were.. dead or something."
I muttered, gazing into his face. Things were kind of fuzzy looking at the time, I genuinely thought I was going to bleed out and die right there infront of Vance.

"Well Robin, thats because I am."
He muttered, letting out a soft but breathy laugh.

I replied grogily, in confusion. All of the sudden I felt a excruciating pain in my side. I wanted to scream, and I did, but I was silenced by Vance's hand covering my mouth. He stabbed me again, this time in the stomach. I spat up blood from my mouth, it dripped down my chin onto my clothes and Vance's hand that was covering my mouth trying to keep my quiet through this hell. I cried, it hurt so bad.

It felt like this went on four hours, when in reality it was a process of like 3 minutes. I felt a pair of teeth sink into my neck, I gasped in pain as more tears fell. I was choking on my blood and tears. This was it, this was the end.

Then, Vance left. It was just me. Me in the foggy night, in a forest, propped against a rock, bleeding out everywhere.

I started losing my vision it was too blurry to make anything out, I couldn't even move my fingers anymore, I was so weak. All of my nerves were leaving my body and my life flashed before my eyes. All my memories with friends came back to me, I remembered the good times, the bad times, things I wish I done, things I wish I done differently.

Then suddenly, everything went black, and I was pronounced dead.

𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘋𝘖𝘞 // 𝘈 𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠 𝘍𝘈𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘊 𝘝𝘈𝘔𝘗 𝘙𝘖𝘉𝘐𝘕 𝘟 𝘍𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠Where stories live. Discover now