𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘌𝘕 - Monsters Aren't Real

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Gwen's POV

Running in the wisp of rain as nightfall begun was ethereal. The sound of rain splashing against my shoes drowning out my fathers screams, beckoning me to come home. "YOU GET YOUR BUTT BACK INSIDE YOUNG LADY!" He'd shout, standing by the front door of our house with a belt in hand. He didn't scare me anymore, I'm not afraid of you anymore dad. The only thing I had feared in the moment was Finney not coming home, Finney being dead, or worse, kidnapped.

What felt like forever was only almost 2 months of Finney being missing. Father gave up around a week since his disappearance, and in full truth, I temporarily did as well. But then I soon came to realize if Buddy, our old dog, came home after being missing for 3 weeks, so would Finney. But I guess Buddy holding up at the neighbors house for weeks on end without us knowing is much different than Finney disappearing one dark night and not being seen since then.

Finney's strong, I know he's out there and when I find him we're going to show father that we aren't 'stupid' or 'little kids' anymore, we're going to show him that we are capable.

I've always been scared about going outside at night, not because it's dark but actually I fear what may be lurking in the night. When I heard rustling in the bushes I shook in my boots, running. But that was silly, because now that I think about it, it was probably the wind that shook against the lush that made those noises that frightened me so bad. Monsters aren't real.

I had no Idea where I was going, but I stayed in the same direction the whole night, only going forward, no looking back. The rain that fell from the foggy sky began flooding the road, sticks and rubbish floating down the stream. I sat on the side walk watching the miscellaneous items float past as I caught my breath and rubbing my eyes in fatigue. "Oh man.." I'd whisper to myself in exhaustion, looking up to the sky above and letting rain droplets pepper my face. Suddenly I felt something bump against my soaked shoes, it felt hefty and was certainly not a stick or rock. I jolted at the touch, looking down at the object that was stuck behind my foot. There laid a shoe, what seemed to be from the brand Converse. This made me smile, Finney loved that shoe brand. I picked it up, studying it. The shoe was a dark blue, just like Finney's. Hey, now that I think about it, it's the same size too. I chuckled, almost in relief. I looked at the side of the shoe, and there I saw "Finney B." In Finney's classical shitty handwriting. Father would always make us write our name on our shoes so we wouldn't lose them. I cried in relief, Finney must be somewhere near. I was so happy that I found something that was a clue. Something that would bring me a tiny bit closer to finding my big brother who I adored and missed more than anything.

I stood up, keeping a tight grip on the soaked converse in my hands, walking back home.

But if only I knew that finding my brothers shoe would help me in absolutely no way, as Finney was far, far, from home.


milo a/n : I was so sleepy writing this gonna go take a nap bye

Priah's a/n) Hi I really like this chapter I don't know why 😶 I just adore Gwen to be honest LMAO

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