𝘛𝘞𝘌𝘕𝘛𝘠-𝘖𝘕𝘌 - To Be a Brother

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a/n) Just got done moving really heavy furniture ow my body hurts


Finney slumped in his chair, slugging down a bottle of beer. It had been his way of coping, though he never knew exactly what he was trying to cope with. Perhaps it was life itself he was trying to escape from?

"Finney you can't just keep downing beers." Robin sighed, approaching Finney and placing a gentle hand against his shoulder, placing a warm kiss against Finney's tangled head of hair.

Finney looked up at Robin, who smiled back down at Finney. He slid his beer to the end of the table he sat at, stuffing his face into his hands that lied on the surface of the table.

Robin took a seat next to Finney, clearing his throat before speaking.

"I really don't think we can hide for much longer." Robin sighed, gazing out of the window. Finney lifted his head from his arms, now gazing at Robin.

"You know, they're probably looking for us. The Manor people." Robin added, looking back at Finney with a saddened gaze.

"Yeah.." Finney mumbled, fidgeting with his hands.

"And, in all truth, other people." Robin said, keeping a strong gaze on Finney.

"Others?" Finney asked.

"Like, old friends." Robin responded as he grabbed Finney's beer bottle, sipping from it.

"Atleast I'd like to think." He added, clearing his throat and gently setting the beer bottle onto the table.

Suddenly, a gentle knock was pressed against the man-made front door.

Mud slushed against Gwen's rainboots as her feet plopped and stomped against the trail. She hadn't been down this trail sense a young girl-- the last time being when mother was alive, and when they had gone camping together as one large 'happy family'. They hadn't been happy, though. Father was an angry man, a little less than he was currently. But Mother was the glue to this dumpster fire of a family-- she kept it somewhat in tact, but at what cost? Though, when Mother died, Fathers actions became way more present to Gwen and Finney.

The forests trail smelt of pine trees, mud, and the weak scent of pollen. But in the distance, Gwen smelt what seemed to be the smell of smoke, ash-- she smelt flame. Not a forest fire, it couldn't be. But a fire that concluded in a fireplace. A fire you and your family would huddle around one chilly night to keep warmth in your bodies as you felt the goosebumps that once raced up and down your legs begin to melt away in a sweet frenzy. 

She followed the scent, her feet quickly stomping against the now muddy trail as she jogged as quickly as she could, her heart racing and her breathing loud and frequent as she panted. She felt mentally ill-- the extents she went to to find her brother who she wasn't even sure was alive anymore. She did this all because she loved him. She appreciated her brother, everything he did for her growing up. A shoulder to cry on, a best friend, he was her everything. He was her forever bestfriend and she hadn't been ready to say goodbye. Not yet.

She paused for a moment, her hands on her knees as she crouched-- trying to gather back a normal pace of breathing. She looked up, and in the foggy mist, there a man-made home stood tall and sturdy against the autumn air that was beginning to transition to cold, chilling, winter air. 

Gwen sighed in relief, smiling at the small home that looked to be made by hand. She approached it, assuming inside the home would be an old woman who would invite her inside and warm her up with cookies, a glass of milk, and a blanket the woman made herself. 

But for Gwen to think this, was her being a fool.

She caught the courage to knock on the door, bundling her hand into a soft fist and pressing it on the door.

"Would you get the door?" A voice spoke that Gwen could barely hear.

"Mhm" The other person replied, nothing below a hum.

The door creaked open, and there stood a familiar face-- Gwen's brother. His hair was his classic ashy brown color, his shoulders broad and his figure slim.

"F-Finney.." Gwen whispered, a happy smile on her face and her eyes wet.

"Oh my god." Finney replied, pulling Gwen into a hug.

"I knew you were out there." Gwen sobbed into Finney's chest, holding onto him tightly. He smelt of sweat and beer, he wasn't the most friendly smelling thing. 'Has he been drinking?' She thought.

"I knew you didn't give up on me, Gwenny." Finney answered, pulling away from Gwen's grasp and ruffling her chocolate brown hair.

"I missed you, Finn."

𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘋𝘖𝘞 // 𝘈 𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠 𝘍𝘈𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘊 𝘝𝘈𝘔𝘗 𝘙𝘖𝘉𝘐𝘕 𝘟 𝘍𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠Where stories live. Discover now