𝘛𝘞𝘌𝘕𝘛𝘠-𝘌𝘐𝘎𝘏𝘛 - The Headmaster And His Men

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a/n) my birthday is in 2 days :)))

Griffin had awoken to the smell of honey, fresh laundry, bacon, eggs, and the noises of chit chat which echoed around the room as Billy, Robin, and Finney sat at the dinning table discussing with one another. Griffin sat up, rubbing the crust from his eyes and allowing a tired yawn slip from his lips. Billy perked up at the noises of Griffin drifting away from his slumber.

"Good morning, Griffin!" He spoke, instantly glowing as he spoke to Griffin. He tended to do that, light up like a lightbulb as soon as he even thought about the boy.

"Good mornin'." Griffin mumbled, stumbling up from his sleeping bag on the floor which at this point was sprawled out across the living room floor and sitting down at the dinning table.

"Hey, Griff." Finney said, happily as he stuffed scrambled eggs into his cheeks, the bags under his eyes weighing his face down. Griffin nodded his head greeting Finney and Robin, who sat across from him and Billy.

"So," Robin began, playing with his scrambled eggs with his utensil which had been intertwined with his fingers. "How was your sleep, Griffin?"

"It was, okay. Thanks." Griffin answered, clearly he had been not fully awake yet. Billy let out a short huff of air, holding back his laugh as he clicked his tongue, smiling, turning to look away from Griffin and now the wall which had many notes on it, resting his face on his hands.

"Well, you woke up just in time. We were just talking about the plan." Finney said, tapping his fingers on the table as he spoke.

"The plan?" Griffin asked, he had never been informed of any sort of plan in the first place, what was this about? Finney glanced at Robin, raising his eyebrows quickly, silently commanding Robin to go fetch an item of sorts. Robin shuffled out of his chair, pushing it in as he walked to the kitchen counter and grabbing what looked to be a map. 

Robin set it on the table, sighing.

"This may sound a bit bizarre," Finney said. "But we have intentions of taking over the manor." 

"Setting everyone free." Robin added, pointing at Finney as if he was trying to say dumbass, don't forget this!!

"Won't this be dangerous?" Griffin asked, nervously laughing. Griffin had felt scared to take over the manor, though, deep down, he knew he had always wanted to. But he knew if he tried (and more than likely) failed this task, he'd have major consequences coming his way, which would follow him to his execution day (Rule 61: Once 150 years of age, person is to be executed due to newly found weakness).

"Well, yeah it will be dangerous. But not if we do it right." Robin answered, this intrigued Griffin.

"The plan is we enter the property through the Oakley Crest Trail, which would guide us to the side of the building." Finney explained, pointing to the right side of the Manor's structure on the map.

"Then, from here," He spoke, but paused. A cat had got his tongue.

"We burn it down." He said in hesitation.

"..What?! Are you guys mental!?" Griffin laughed, thinking this was all some sick, stupid, joke.

"It's the only way, Griff." Billy said, putting a gentle grasp upon Griffin's shoulder.

"It's not the only way, we could do this many other ways. Such as, I don't know, just kill the Headmaster and call it a day?!" Griffin protested, standing up from his chair.

"It is the only way that will fully work." Robin replied calmly.

"If we were to do your suggestion, the army the Headmaster has set down will be after us for the rest of our livings. However, if we do our plan, not only would the Headmaster be shot down, so would the army."

"What about the other students? We're just going to make them die an awfully painful death?" Griffin questioned, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes piercing into Robin's heart.

"They are just as bad as the Headmaster and his men." Finney protested, Billy had stayed silent throughout this whole debate as if he was fearful to nudge in.

"And with the army destroyed, so would all of their weapons and other.. buffs." Finney added.

"So basically, once we do this, everyone shall be free from running and hiding, as the Manor will fall, being destroyed and never brought back to life."

"Are you in?" Robin asked, a pleading beg in his eyes.

Griffin sighed in hesitation.

"If you guys get me killed.." Griffin said under his breath, before concluding.

"Fine. I'm in." Griffin spoke, sitting down.

"It's settled! We leave tomorrow night!" Finney cheered.


Griffin sat outside, gazing into the stars as his feet shuffled in the moist grass. 

"Griffin!" A voice called from afar, he looked behind himself, the voice coming from Griffin who walked down the trail, a cigarette pressed between his fingers.

"Hey, Billy." Griffin smiled, patting a spot next to him for Billy to come sit. Billy shuffled, sitting down next to Griffin and taking a drag from his cigarette. He blew the smoke from his mouth, making Griffin cough.

"Do you seriously have to do that right in my face?!" He hissed, coughing as he shook the smoke away with his hand. 

"Yeah, I do." Billy chuckled, making Griffin chuckle too. The two drowned in their giggles, but the giggles died down, and they now sat in silence.

"Hey, Griffin?" Billy spoke quietly, interrupting the quiet moments they had.

"Yeah?" Griffin answered, still gazing into the sky.

"Can I talk to you about something?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah! What's going on, Bill?" Griffin answered, moving his body to be sitting facing Billy, who had looked nervous and embarrassed. 

"I, Uh.." Billy spoke hesitantly, looking down at the grass.

"I'm sorry." He spat out, now looking up at Griffin who was puzzled. 

"You're.. sorry?? For??" Griffin answered completely lost.

"For what I'm about to do." Billy replied quietly.

"What I don-" Griffin began to say, but to be interrupted by the tingling feeling of Billy's lips pressed against his. He was startled, his eyes wide, but Billy had seemed calm. Like he was just brought to peace. Griffin pulled away, wiping his mouth with his sleeve as he shook his head in confusion.

"I- I don't.." Griffin spoke, his words aching Billy's heart.

"I'm not," 

"It's okay I understand.." Billy said, standing up and backing away.

"I'm not gay, Bill." Griffin whispered, a quiet sadness drifting throughout his words. Billy nodded his head, smiling as he walked from where he came; the trail. 

"Billy, wait!" Griffin said, standing up as his knees shook. 

But it had been too late, as Billy was gone and already going back to the house. So there Griffin stood, his body shaking and tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, looking down as he trembled.



crazy to think how, after this is uploaded, there will only be 2 more chapters to this story 😭

𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘋𝘖𝘞 // 𝘈 𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠 𝘍𝘈𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘊 𝘝𝘈𝘔𝘗 𝘙𝘖𝘉𝘐𝘕 𝘟 𝘍𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠Where stories live. Discover now