𝘛𝘞𝘖 - Welcome Back From The Dead, Robin.

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Experiencing the question everyone yearned to know was weird. Experiencing what death was, was terrifying. Being dead felt like a dream, I walked around an empty room, I screamed, I wanted out, but I didn't hurt anymore. The wounds in my body were just there.

It was peaceful. But little did I know, I would be coming back to the world soon, this time I'd be different.

Things wouldn't have been the same when I woke up. I wouldn't go back to school the next day and hang out with friends, infact that day was the last day of being a normal teenager.

And as much as the town knew, they thought I was a runaway.

𝘙𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘯'𝘴 𝘗𝘖𝘝:

Waking up, my head hurt. Everything was, yet again, fuzzy for a moment. But as my vision cleared up, I realized I was on a silky white bed and my wounds had stiches, my flesh binded together by black stitched thread. It looked irritated,  infected. But it hadn't hurt, so that's a good thing. I was glad, glad I hadn't died that night and it was all just a false alarm.

"Welcome back from the dead, Robin."
A voice echoed.

God damn it.

I sat up, and at the door, was Vance Hopper, my murderer, and apparently my doctor now.

"What happened.."
I muttered, I was still out of it and I wanted answers for the following questions;

1. Why did he decide to stab me to death?

2. How am I alive right now?

3. Where am I?!?!

"I have a lot to explain."
Vance said, now approaching me and sitting down on a rustic chair.

"I brought you back from the dead."
He said, staring me deep in the eyes with full seriousness.

I laughed, he had to be joking.

"The commission ordered me to target you on October 3rd of this year, so when the time came, I killed you, and resurrected you as something bigger, something stronger."

"The commission?"
I asked. Who was that?

"The people I work for, and now who you work for. I think you'll adjust just fine."
He said with a smile, connection his hands together, and resting them inbetween his legs.

"What am I..?"
I asked, in pure confusion. Something 'bigger and stronger'? What had that mean?

"Basically you're a vampire."
He said, so casually as if it was nothing.

"You're joking."
I said nervously.

"I'm not."
He said, with the straightest face possible.

"I mean hey, if you don't believe me, go look in the mirror."
He said, pointing towards a wall that had a mirror on it.

I stumbled out of bed, dragging my sore body across the room to gaze into the mirror. Looking in it, I was pale. the area around my eyes looked a purplish blue. My eyes were a pale brown, almost grey.

"What.. the fuck."
I trembled.

"The way turning works, is we have to kill you before you're resurrected. Basically you're dead still, but you are reanimated. We all are."
He said looking down at his ashy hands almost with a sad face.

I asked, all these terms he was throwing at me made zero sense.

"It's basically coming back from the dead as something new. You can't turn into a vampire without dying first."
Another voice spoke, it was a young child. His throat was sewn together, and he was pale as a ghost.

But I recognized his face.

I trembled, turning away from the mirror.

"Hey bud."
He said with a smile, as he walked towards Vance, standing next to him.

"Are they.. all here?"
I asked, in fear. Were all the missing kids these.. monsters?

"Who, all the missing children? Yes. We are all here."
Vance replied.

That made me feel a bit better, knowing I'd be reunited with the people I had lost this year. I smiled at Griffin and Vance, who smiled at me back. It was comforting to have people I knew here with me.

"Well we should probably let you rest a bit, your lesson starts in a couple hours and so does your first commission."
Griffin said, tugging at Vance's classic denim jacket, stained with my blood. The two got up, closing the door behind them.


𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘋𝘖𝘞 // 𝘈 𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠 𝘍𝘈𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘊 𝘝𝘈𝘔𝘗 𝘙𝘖𝘉𝘐𝘕 𝘟 𝘍𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠Where stories live. Discover now