A/N - A friendly (yet frantic) update!

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okay I'm not gonna say any nonsense and just get right to the point

So I'm activitiely writing on this story, and i have 3 (complete) chapters in my drafts waiting to be uploaded BUT my editor is temporarily away so thats causing them to be postponed until further notice

not only that but i typically would just upload the chapters and edit them myself, but i cannot do that with these.
The chapters are relatively short, mini chapters if you would (400-800 words) and that is not a problem to me. The problem is that the chapters have to go out in such a specific order for it to make sense and there is multiple chapters i have to write and then upload so you wont be sitting here confused and wondering "what are these dorks talking about?"

plus i have came to the realization that i need to add alot to act 2 before these ones come out.. (yes.. act 2 is coming to its close)

actually, speaking of things coming to its close,

so we're coming towards the end of the story

well, actually, kind of, not really. We got i wanna say 10-20 chapters left and one more act

with that being said at the end me and priah will be uploading a behind the scenes type deal where we will be sharing our process of writing and coming up with this story, our rough drafts, (maybe) deleted chapters, characters, and scenarios, and finally a Q&A where you could ask any questions about us, the story, or anything you want clarification on that wasn't answered throughout the story and we will answer it for you

so information you should take from this a/n is that I will be going on a mini hiatus for idk how long not very long at all though

just so i can finish some chapters and edit and figure out how I want to present the ending of act 2 to you all

we didn't really plan much for this acts ending, we had a general idea but we didn't really think on it too hard which i very much regret now because writing the ending of act 2 has been quite the struggle

anywho time to go back to my shenanigans

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