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a/n) i cried writing this

- Approximately 5 ½ months ago -

- Local Funeral Home, Graveyard, home city to Vance Hopper -

I sobbed, staring down at the wood tile that seemed to bright, to perfect, to be real. I felt a hand press against my back, rubbing the middle of my back in repetitive circles. "Shhh," The voice, Billy's voice, spoke. He had a pain in his voice. I stared down to my black, recently shined, dress shoes in remorse of my dear friend, Vance Hopper.

"Griff, it's gonna be okay." Billy swore, his voice cracking as he whispered. Though, he couldn't promise anything.

I sniffled, looking to the right corner of the room in which Vance's family stood, a woman who, I'd assume, is Vance's mom. She sobbed into a taller mans shoulder. He seemed stern, unbothered, yet I could tell this whole "tough guy" act he was trying to play off was not working. I as well noted that, this man must of been where Vance got his "tough guy" persona from, I began to smile at the thought of Vance's foolish demeanor.

Me and Billy have always been close, ever since little kids. His mom knew my mom since they were children themselves, and obviously, that sort of forced me and Billy into an unbreakable friendship. Though, I'll admit, for awhile, I in a way disliked Billy. Now, I adore his presence. And things are much different than they once were. Billy came out to me as Bisexual, once, I don't know.. a year ago? I support him. Though, I'm almost positive he has romantic attraction to me. I don't want to hurt Billy, really, but I don't think I'm ready for a relationship.

No, wait, I don't think I'm ever going to be ready. Hell, I don't think I even want one!

The ceremony ended, and Billy and I left the funeral home. The walk home was quiet, mourning our good friends loss.

"Hey, Griffin." Billy whispered, clearly having his eyes glued on something, someone ahead.

"Huh?" I hummed, looking towards him.

"Is that Robin?" Billy asked, squinting his eyes towards the figure who sat, hunched on the curb deep in thought.

Billy had moved to Europe for a year-ish, and he had just recently returned perhaps a month back. This being said, Billy was out-of-the-loop, so he hadn't known what Robin looked like anymore. Before Billy's big move, Robin had been a girl-- or, well, at least presenting as one. Robin had long, long hair, a waist that curved perfectly, and a voice which was sweet like honey. Now, since Billy had returned, and Robin transitioned, Robin's hair was chopped shoulder length, his body more broad and "manly", muscles which framed his figure perfectly, and a voice which was deep and masculine from the different medications he took.

"Mhm" I replied, focusing on Robin, too. Robin sat, slumped on the curb, deep in thought as the funeral for Vance had just ended. He wore a loose, black dress shirt, black skinny jeans, and dark brown dress shoes. But, for once, he hadn't worn his usual bandana, he had worn the bandana that was once Vance's. A gift, to Robin. "Vance would've wanted me to wear it," Robin would say moments before the ceremony began, "So, here I am." he chuckled, a deep sadness coating his throat. I could only return the gesture, sadly chuckling too as the ceremony began.

"ROBIN!" Billy shouted, which startled me. Robin lifted his head, gazing into Billy's eyes and for a moment, he smiled-- I smiled, too. Billy approached Robin, rambling to Robin, asking how he was, other stuff personal to each other that I wouldn't understand as I simply am not Billy nor Robin. Billy beckoned I came with him to catch up with Robin, but I felt if I did, I'd be 'the third wheel'. I made a stupid excuse. If only I went.

"Oh, actually, I'm gonna go home." I nervously chuckled.

"Oh, okay! Why?" Billy asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Homework." I blurted quickly-- a bit too quickly, Billy studied me up and down, let out a faint sigh, and let me go. I knew he knew I was lying. I walked home, unaware that that night, would be my last.

I got home, sinking into my sheets and looking hazily up towards my ceiling. My ceiling was dirty, it had webs, a couple of cracks, and it overall was a bit messed up. I wasn't fortunate growing up. My family hardly got by.

Sudden, the door creaked open, I slid out of my sheets, now sitting at the end of my bed, peering into the door which was open with my foggy eyes. There a figure stood, though, it didn't resemble someone I knew. This startled me-- I'm dreaming, correct? It didn't do anything, it just stood; lurked. My breath began to quicken, getting warmer, I began to sweat, tremble. I was scared.

Then; it was gone.

And I was too.

I felt an insane pain I could not describe go through my skull, it burned, it stung, it prickled, it did it all. I tried to scream with all my might, but I couldn't. Everything went dark, then, I was gone. And so was this being, who, for your sake, I will not name.

When my death was announced, It was suspected to be a suicide. Though, my body was never found.

And it was indeed, not a suicide.


Griffin sighed, staring into the flames of the campfire Billy had crafted. "That's how it happened. You?"

"I don't think I can bring myself to tell you how it happened." Billy mumbled, resting his hand atop Griffin's.


a/n) take that last line the way you will-- are griffin and billy dating? not like i'll ever tell u 😐

also i hope this chapter clarified some sexuality/gender identity questions you may of had.. ive been getting several dms from ppl saying MILO?!?!? WHAT IS (INSERT CHARACTERS) IDENTITY?!?!?!

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