𝘍𝘖𝘜𝘙𝘛𝘌𝘌𝘕 - This Sorrowful Life

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a/n) yes i stole this chapter title from a the walking dead episode title (03x15) also omg if you havent watched the walking dead you should its really good and a couple things in this story is based off of it im currently rewatching it for the second time 😈😈😈

"Robin?" The familiar voice spoke, instantly making Robin turn around to face the person behind him.

"Vance?" Robin spoke in confusion. 

"I thought you weren't supposed to be back until next week.." Robin added, approaching Vance who was stunned at the thought that Finney and Robin actually did it, that they actually escaped. Vance tightened his grasp on his suitcase, chuckling.

"What can I say, I finished my duties." Vance chuckled. But something about Vance seemed off. He seemed nervous. But Robin had ignored this thought, this thought that something could be wrong because in all truth he felt that in that moment this bad dream was fading away and he could go back to normal living. He in the moment would never want to admit that something was wrong with Vance.

"But so early, how?" Robin asked, his head tilted to the side. Vance has always been good at this 'art', the art of killing, but he was also very talented in other things such as pinball, drawing, and singing. But all of that was in the past and Vance wouldn't have time for what the Headmaster would call "foolishness". Only time for what the Headmaster wanted, and what the Headmaster wanted was the dirty work done for him, this made Robin enraged. 

Birds chirped and Finney was abled to hear rustling in the bushes. There was many noises happening at once and swirling into one big whirlpool of soundwaves, overwhelming Finney. The fear he felt of being caught did not help this, he begun to cry. 

"Finney..?" Robin asked as he heard the sniffles behind him, Finney was crying, staring at the bushes, trembling. Robin was confused. Vance stood there, fearful.

"Finney what's wrong?" Robin asked, approaching Finney and grasping both of Finney's hands. 

"The bushes.." Finney spoke through his sobs, trying to stumble towards the lush, but Robin held him, holding him back.

"Bushes? What do you mean?" Robin asked, scared.

"The bushes.. they're here." Finney sobbed, raising his voice.

"Finney? You're scaring me." Robin muttered. Robin was lost, was Finney seeing things? He must be hallucinating, he's sleep deprived for hells sake!

"They're her-" Finney spoke, crumbling into Robin's touch. Finney didn't know what was happening to him, he was scared of himself. But as he spoke he was interrupted by a loud crash, and then a thud. Finney gazed into the spot he heard the noise, which was where Vance once stood. Vance fell to his knees, muttering something as he held onto his chest, where an arrow impaled him. Finney screamed, making Robin look at Vance, screaming too.

"VANCE!" Robin sobbed tenderly as he stumbled towards Vance who was now on the floor, repeating Robin's name repeatedly. 

"Robin, Robin, Rob-"

"Shh, Vance. Oh god." Robin whispered, cupping Vance's face as he sobbed, looking both at Vance's face and then his wound which was spilling blood all over Vance himself and Robin. Finney stood, sobbing, stunned, frantically looking around. How did Finney know this was going to happen. Why didn't he stop it from happening?

"Robin," Vance trembled, putting his hand on Robin's cheek, accidentally smearing his own blood against Robin's cheek, which glistened in the sun as it dripped down Robin's face, mixing with Robin's tears.

"What is it, buddy, I'm here." Robin sobbed, shaking his head as he tried to deny any of this was happening. 

"You need to go." Vance managed to get out as he choked on his blood.

"I can't leave you." Robin spoke, as he felt a nasty pain in his heart. This was actually happening, Vance was going to die.

"You have to." Vance insisted, trying to sit up, but hissing in pain as blood dribbled from his mouth and thick tears trickled from his waterline.


"Robin." Vance interrupted, grabbing his suitcase and handing it to Robin.

"Vance I don't understand." Robin sobbed, taking the suitcase from Vance and studying it. 

"You deserve to know the truth." Vance said, as every word he spoke begun to fade, becoming groggy. Vance was starting to lose his consciousness.

"The truth?" Robin asked, gazing down at the leather-lined suitcase that rested in his lap.

"The truth." Vance whispered, laying down and closing his eyes.

"The truth." He repeated.

"Robin we need to go." Finney trembled, grasping Robin's shoulder.

"We can't just leave Vance we need to hel-" Robin began to say, but was interrupted by the sound of rustling, the same noises from before.

"Now." Finney said sternly, pulling Robin up who was now panicking. An arrow shot out of nowhere, clearly aiming for Robin, but missing. That's when the two began to run, Vance's beloved suitcase held tightly in Robin's sweaty, trembling palms.

But leaving Vance's corpse behind.



okay, wow. 

Yep, you read that right

act one is over. that was only the first portion of this story.

I can't wait to start up act two :) Thank you for reading the first portion.. i hope to get the first part of act two out tomorrow or this weekend 

No, before you panic we are nowhere towards the end 

act two will have much more romance I promise

thank you for everything I genuinely got emotional wrapping this chapter up gonna go cry over this achievement 

𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘋𝘖𝘞 // 𝘈 𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠 𝘍𝘈𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘊 𝘝𝘈𝘔𝘗 𝘙𝘖𝘉𝘐𝘕 𝘟 𝘍𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠Where stories live. Discover now