𝘕𝘐𝘕𝘌𝘛𝘌𝘌𝘕 - A Slice of Reality Pie

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Stumbling into my home in the middle of the rainy night brought me a bad feeling in my gut, déjà vu if you would. I reminded myself of my drunken father, who'd oftentimes stumble into our house during the ass-crack of dawn, clearly under the influence of alcohol. He would smell of sweat, beer, and B.O which would practically make the whole house smell of his reeking stench. Speaking of my drunken father, he was passed out on the living room floor, a bottle of beer in his chubby hands. 

I sighed at the sight of my father, walking to my room which was at the end of the hall, opposite side of Finney's which hadn't been touched sense he went missing. I sat at the end of my bed, leaning down and grabbing a wooden box from under my bed. I hid a lot of things from father and Finney, one of those things being that I smoke a shit ton of weed. It numbs me. Well, Finney knows, so I suppose it's really just a secret that's being kept from father who would murder me if he were to ever find out my secret. I opened the box, pulling a stray cigarette from the corner of the aged wood box and then grabbing a lighter, pressing the cigarette against my lips and lighting the butt of it on fire, inhaling the fumes. 

I sat there, drowning in the cigarettes fog and my own thoughts when suddenly I heard a thud, then a groan. I jolted up, frantically grabbing the cigarette from my mouth and mushing the butt into the ashtray that rested inside the drawer of my bedside table. I then laid down, turning off my lamp. A grumble came from the living room; then silence. I sighed in relief. 

Then suddenly, my sleepy-ness took over me, making me fall asleep and enter the dream world. My dreams weren't normal, though. I would see things. Not things that aren't real and are just foolishness my brain whips up, no, I would see the truth. The reality.

And tonight, I had one of those dreams. A dream that would in which give me a slice of reality-pie.


Inside a small what seemed to be cabin, Finney stood at the counter, having a debate with.. Robin? 

"I just don't understand why he would hide this from us!" Finney groaned, looking down at the counter below him and shaking his head. 'He?' I'd ask myself. 

"He didn't want to ruin what we had." Robin responded, approaching Finney and wrapping a hand around Finney's slim waist. This puzzled me, they were so.. touchy? I knew Finney was gay, but Robin? I wouldn't have ever guessed! Though I shouldn't make any assumptions, should I? They very well could just be two good friends. 

Robin looked sick, this concerned me. He looked like a walking corpse! Finney sighed, looking out of the window which caught my attention, making my eyes focus on the window too. 

Hey.. hold on. That scenery, it's all too familiar. 


I jolted awake, my breath quick and cold. I slipped out of bed, turning my lamp on. That scenery I knew it I've been there I swear I've been there I swea- 

Suddenly it all hit me, that location, the camping trip. 

I ran to my dollhouse, which stayed in the corner of my room. I opened it, pulling out a photo album I kept of random photos of me, family, and friends. I flipped through the pages, trying to find the photo I had in mind. Suddenly I found it. Teary eyed, I pulled the picture from it's pocket, studying it. Indeed, it matched up. 

I knew where to find Finney.


a/n) the way i've been contemplating uploading this chapter or scrapping it for WEEKS

𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘋𝘖𝘞 // 𝘈 𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠 𝘍𝘈𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘊 𝘝𝘈𝘔𝘗 𝘙𝘖𝘉𝘐𝘕 𝘟 𝘍𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠Where stories live. Discover now