𝘛𝘞𝘌𝘕𝘛𝘠-𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 - Days Seem As If They Never End

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Griffin and Billy walked through the forest that lead through the greeney lush, chills which thrilled down each other's backs as they trotted down the trail.

"Do you think we'll ever find Robin, Griff?" Billy asked, looking up at the luminous starlight which painted the sky in pale yellow sparkles.

"Certainly. He couldn't have gone far." Griffin answered with a sincere pitch which coated his voice, Billy nodded, a grin which plastered against his face as he felt reliefed due to the reassurance.

And surely they did find Robin, as when they continued their voyage, they found a small cottage along the rivers edge. It looked to be new; manmade.

"Do you think anyone lives there?" Billy asked, gazing towards the building which stood tall in the distance.

"Well, I don't know. Let's find out!" Griffin cheered, hopeful, but exhausted from their journey. He wanted a good nights rest for once in a long while, he wanted to eat at a dinner table and sleep on a real bed -- not some "bed" (which was really a mat) made from shriveled up leaves, dried up moss, and sticks which he had found scattered throughout the forest. Billy sighed, but continued to walk along the trail up towards the building ahead.

The two continued their voyage up the hill towards the mysterious building, until, all of the sudden, they heard rustling ahead. 

Out of the bushes, a long, jet black, haired boy came running, a bow and arrow in hand and a long leather cape which flowed in the cold wind behind him. He crouched, shouting as he aimed for their feet.

"MOVE!" He shouted, the two gasped, jumping to the side and tripping over the forests debris. The long haired boy, whos face was covered by his hood, kneeled as he shot his arrow, a squeal bellowing in the distance as it shot. The two gasped once more, watching the frail creature fade from its living. The boy stood back up, lifting his hood; revealing his identity. 

"ROBIN" Griffin shouted happily, running to Robin as he held back his tears of happiness. 

"Griff?!" He spoke, out of shock. 

"Robin.." Billy said quietly, gaining Robin's attention almost immediately. 

"Billy!!" Robin shouted, dropping his weapons and running to Billy to hug him. Billy and Robin had a brotherly friendship, they always had.

"It's so good to see you, man." Robin muttered, with an uncontrollable smile which plastered against his face. Robin backed away from the hug, smiling as he looked at the two, before speaking.

"Let me take you to my home." Robin said, grabbing his arrow and grabbing the animal which he had just slaughtered; which, now with a closer view, was very clearly a rabbit.


"I'm home!" Robin shouted, as he entered the home which was lit up with dim, yellow lights which beaconed from the ceiling. Griffin and Billy turned to look at each other, clearly thinking the same thing; "Who is he talking to?" 

Suddenly, a familiar face entered the living room. He was average height, slim, and he had brown curly hair.

"Finney!" Griffin said out of surprise, approaching Finney, Billy followed not far behind. 

"Oh my gosh, guys?!" Finney replied, he too in shock. "Where were you guys?" 

"We were actually looking for Robin," Griffin chuckled. "But it seems to be he found us soon." Robin laughed at Griffin's remark. 

"I got us a rabbit!" Robin said in a proudful cheer, pulling the rabbit from his satchel and lifting it in the air, Finney gagged. 

"Okay, gross! Don't show me it! Just cook it!" Finney scowled and gagged, looking away from Robin make everyone in the room snicker. 

"Sure thing, my love." Robin said, which left Griffin and Billy with the same question; "My love?"

"Well, uh, you guys are welcome to stay here!" Finney offered.

"That would be great, thank you." Griffin said, very thankful for the offer.


Billy and Griffin sat in their sleeping bags which were sprawled out along the floor. The two discussed with one another quietly, to not wake up Robin and Finney who were sleeping in the other room.

"This, 'mission' was way easier than I had expected." Griffin laughed, smiling at Billy.

"Hah, yeah." Billy replied, looking nervous.

"Hey," Griffin said, putting a hand atop Billy's.

"Are you okay? you seem like you have something on your mind." He added.

"No, I'm okay. I just need some fresh air." Billy replied, frantically standing up and walking outside.

"Oh.. okay." Griffin said quietly as he slowly withdrawed his hand from where Billy's hand once sat.

Billy huffed, leaning against the homes outside wall as he pulled a walkie talkie from his pocket, beginning to speak in it.

"I found Robin." He spoke quietly, looking around to make sure no one was listening in.

"Bring him back to the manor immediately." The other voice snarled into their end of the conversation. 

"But-- it's not that easy, sir." Billy wined, shaking his head in disapproval. 

"Find a way." The voice replied sternly. 

"You don't understand,"

"What don't I understand, Mr. Showalter?" 

"The boy that escaped his cell, he's here too." 

"I don't care! Get them both here, god damn it!" The voice shouted.

"Sir-- Hey? Hello??" Billy began to speak, but then getting zero response. He sighed, throwing his walkie talkie to the ground and leaning his head against the wall behind him.

"Fuck," He muttered to himself.

"I'm sorry, Rob." He added, reentering the home.


A/N) backstabber am i right 😒

𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘋𝘖𝘞 // 𝘈 𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠 𝘍𝘈𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘊 𝘝𝘈𝘔𝘗 𝘙𝘖𝘉𝘐𝘕 𝘟 𝘍𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘠Where stories live. Discover now