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*this story will be in Sam's pov*

The blinding lights coming from the sunset happening in front of us are making me close one eye, under the amused yet worried eye of my sister, Kristie. 

She waits for the sun to disappear behind the mountain to inquire:

"Do you really believe this is a good idea? I mean, playing for K.C. in the NWSL, where I also am playing, was your dream, along with getting an apartment with Pat and all... What changed?"

Sighing, I just remain silent. 

Everything changed, I just think to myself, trying my best for my emotions not to show on my face. But since Kristie is my older sister, and that she always tends to know what I am thinking, I am obliged to say in complete honesty:

"It was my dream - but I need to prioritize my career if I want to win my spot back on the national team." 

Kristie nods. 

"What about Pat?"

"What about him?" 

Rolling her eyes, my sister says:

"You know what I mean - Barcelona is on another continent, and with the local championship games, as well as the Champions League's, it's not like you're gonna come back here in the U.S. often."

"Yeah, I know" I anxiously let out, beaten, "It's just... I need to choose myself, this time. Do the right thing, you know." 

If my sister mostly is an unemotional rock, she suddenly seems moved, as she grabs my hand. 

"I am proud of you" she shamelessly says, setting her jaw, "when did you grow up like that, uh?" 

"I've always been the tallest of the Mewis fam" I joke, smirking. Kristie's laugh invades my ears, as I add: "Remember what I told you when you told me about joining Manchester City? (Kristie nods, all smiles, while I nevertheless say:) I said 'come on, Kratch, this opportunity won't present itself to you anytime soon'."

"I remember."

"Well" I let out, setting my jaw, "it's time for me to take my own advice - especially since it's been five years already since you went. Look at you now: happily in love with an European champion, almost ready to get married and have kids and all..."

Nodding her head, my sister just grabs the glass of red wine next to her and encourages me to do just the same.

When I do, she just dramatically says, openly mocking me:

"While I will modestly admit that my fiancé and I are going to freakin' crush it at San Diego this year, I'll have to say that, out of the two, you're the one that's always had her life under control at all times."

"This is literally the worst toast ever" I comment, annoyed. 

Kristie smirks, before regaining seriousness and saying, raising her glass:

"To my little sister signing with Barcelona Feminì"

Our glasses clink together, while my anxiety grows every second: even my sister doesn't know the true reasons of my departure...


A/N: hello everybody! it's good to be back in this universe again - I hope you'll like Sam's side of the story, as it is a direct continuation of K.M., only a few years have passed and we're now in 2022. 

don't hesitate to leave a vote and/or comment every chapter, it motivates me to write faster and better :) 

hope you'll enjoy this one <3 


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