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By the end of the week, I hadn't been able to talk to Alexia, as the brunette would either be surrounded by other people, nor avoiding me as much as she could. I had been irritated all week because, as much as having Abby here was just like fresh air entering my lungs, I was very annoyed Alexia wouldn't let me be here for her for whatever reason.

Either way, we are leaving later today for the international break, and while we will be playing Sweden and Spain on U.S. soil, I couldn't help but being disappointed Alexia and the other Barça girls aren't going to be here. Alexia told me a week ago that she didn't publicly talked about why she didn't back the girls up simply because the medias were onto her personal life and were closing in a scoop about her sister being a drug addict.

However, she did make a public statement this morning in which she expressed her agreement with the 15 players and will not take part in the upcoming friendlies for the same reasons than them. And for a Ballon d'Or winner and someone called La Reina, this was something - a strong statement everybody had been waiting for, that would only bring her more things to worry about aside for the sister's health. But there again, she didn't have much of a choice.

I sensed her gaze on the back of my neck when I exited the dining room, and somehow felt like she would follow me outside. So, as I sit down on the bank right in front of the training fields, knowing very well that the rest of our teammates were in the middle of dinner, I just count to three before the door reopens.

Alexia appears, staring at me quite intensively.

"Alright, I need to say some things, and I need you to listen without interruption. Okay?"

"Okay" I simply say, confused.

She starts walking around nervously, on the verge of just losing control it seems. Her voice is strong yet shaky when she starts on rambling:

"You kissed me. The other day, I mean. And then, I reacted badly because I did not not feel anything, and it really scared the living hell outta me. Then, you're back with your 'I care about you' scheme just to then leave because you realized the girl you're actually into and has been talking about since you've gotten here is actually coming to Barcelona. Did I sum the situation right?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then, I need to know why you kissed me that day." she harshly says, dead serious.

I frown, out of my mind.

"Because the person I was talking about, back when I told you about that girl not emotionally unavailable I was falling for against my will, wasn't Abby. It was you."

Alexia stares at me with her deep hazel eyes, visibly surprised.


"Yeah" I let out, really off my marks, "believe it or not, it was you."

There is a meaningful and tensed silence establishing itself in between Alexia and I, as we are standing at reasonable distance from each other.

Setting her jaw, she just harshly says:

"No. Uh-uh, no way, this can't be."

I nod my head, feeling my heartbeat increase.

"I know. You said you wouldn't fall for a teammate."

"Absolutely not."

"Then we agree. I'll go back, now. If you'll excuse me."

As I try to get through, she gets in my way, a strong yet dissimulated emotion animating her eyes.

She takes a deep breath, before saying:

"I dated one of my teammates, once. Jenni Hermoso. We played both for club and country together, and we lasted a few years... Only, it ended badly, and now I can barely stand in the same room as her. I don't want to go through that again."

I nod my head, comprehensive, yet feeling the anger get to my head.

"You don't have to - I'll get out of your face."

As I walk past her, she grabs my hand - not my forearm, this time, but my freaking hand - and I freeze, feeling my heart explose. All I wanted to do at that very moment was to forget about the stakes and just kiss her wildly.

But I couldn't, so instead I just remain silent, staring at her with desire.

"I am sorry, Mewis." she slowly articulates, squeezing my hand a little tighter.

As I am about to push her against the wall and wildly attack her lips with mine, making her feel all the turmoil she enhances within my mind and body, the door behind us opens and some of our teammates walk out of it.

Snapping out of my transe, I just take advantage of this moment to sneak out of the unbearable tension between Alexia and I, leaving her behind.


After a long day, spent mostly with Abby, Lucy, Frido and Ana-Maria, I just go into my room, on the verge of tears. my luggages were ready to go in the U.S., as I knew Abby was stressed out by flights delays and all things related, so I made sure to be in advance so that she wouldn't die out of anxiety.

When I get to the living room, however, my fears were answered: the familiar laughter I heard really was Alexia's. She was on my couch, in the middle of my (and other girls) apartment, visibly joking around with Lucy and Ana-Maria, visibly ignoring Abby who was also in that same room.

fucking. kill. me.

As soon as I get inside, Alexia gets up and, knowingly ignoring her, I just get to the door and make a sign to Abby to follow me. Before I get out, I can see Alexia rushing toward me.

"Mewis, a word please?"

"No" I just say, frowning. As Alexia's eyes go wide with surprise, I go on explaining: "I need to protect myself, Alexia. Just... leave me alone, I need some time away from you."

Visibly shattered in the inside - or at least I was kind of hoping she was - I just don't wait for her to respond and greet Frido and Lucy, before leaving the apartment.

All the way to the airport, I would only silently cry, while Abby would reach for my hand naturally. And I let her.

Something in me broke - but I had no idea to what extend just yet...


OPINIONS: what do you think about the story so far?

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