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Presentator: The unthinkable happened earlier today during Barcelona's afternoon session : Ballon d'Or and UEFA player of the year winner Alexia Putellas tore her ACL and is expected to be out for six months, undergoing surgery in two weeks. A statement was issued by head coach Jonatan Giraldez an hour ago, as he assured the squad was strong enough to play for Putellas during those upcoming games. Of course, this injury seems tributary on the pressure undergone by the Spanish star, through intense schedules, an ongoing dispute with Spain's national team's coach Jorge Vilda, as well as high expectations put on the shoulder of Barça's captain. This injury also is tributary of the worries going around player's health - whether being physical or mental - during those trouble times...

Tears were rolling down Alexia's eyes at the moment - the same tears than earlier on the field, when she fell and did not get up again. We were currently in the hospital, as I immediately asked Jonatan if I could go with Alexia in the ambulance - a request that was granted, and raised a few other eyebrows.

But how could I care about that when Alexia got hurt?

As of right now, the sentence has fallen: she needs surgery as quickly as possible, and some time away from football. She was devastated - I could see it in her hazel eyes, usually so lively and passionate, that were just empty now.

Sitting on her bed, I grab her hand, while she looks away, wiping her tears away.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

Smirking, I just kiss the top of her hand, before responding:

"I'm here, Alexia - not only through joy but also through tears. You can count on me."

"Thank you, Mewis, this means a lot to me."

"You're gonna get through this, you're the fiercest woman I know, and I also know you won't go down without a fight. Just see this as a setback, a temporary thing."

Nodding her head, she just goes on saying:

"You're right."

"I know."

We both laugh softly, before she thoughtfully says:

"I was really touched that you didn't hesitate before coming inside the ambulance with me, although the whole team was watching. It really means a lot."

"Told you: I'm not joking around, Putellas. Turns out, I'm very much into you."

"Me too."

I lean in, pressing my lips against hers.

The timing couldn't have been worse: walking into the room were Mapi, Aitana and Ona, flowers in hand, their eyes going wide as they caught us into the action. I quickly pull away, but not quick enough.

The tattooed blonde is the first to react:

"Mierda - I didn't see that coming."

"¿Están juntos?" Ona inquires, raising her eyebrows. Taking her head within her hands, she adds, in English this time: "How did we not know?"

I realize I've never been this embarrassed my whole life: while we were just starting something together with Alexia, it felt like our teammates just penetrated our intimacy, rendering everything more real.

While I just internally panic, Alexia says in a calm voice:

"Por favor, no digas nada." {EN: Please, don't tell.}

Aitana smirks.

"Cariño, Sam vino en la ambulancia: todo el mundo lo sabrá ya." she says, amused. {EN: Honey, Sam came in the ambulance: everyone will suspect it now.}

"Nos alegramos de que vuelvas a sonreír, eso no ocurría desde que Jenni se fue." Ona concedes, nodding her head. {EN: We're glad to see you smile again - it hasn't happened since Jenni left}.

Sometimes, silence is louder than words.

This is exactly what I was thinking when I see Mapi's eyes darken when they look at Alexia and I. She crosses her arms against her chest, visibly angry.

Before we can say anything, Mapi asks in an impatient tone:

"¿Por qué no me lo dijiste? Pensé que éramos mejores amigos, Ale." {EN: why didn't you tell me? I though we were best friends, Ale}

Sighing, Ale just says:

"Por favor, ahora no." {EN: please, not now}

"Como quieras. Espero que esté bien." Mapi only says, before storming out of the room. {EN: As you like. I hope you'll be fine}

A deadly silence establishes itself thorough the room, before Aitana finally says:

"She'll come around, you guys. We're just really happy for you, although it was unexpected, that's all."

"Thanks" I just say, while Alexia is lost in her thoughts.

What if she changes her mind about us, now that people are finding out about our undefined relationship...?


Kristie arrived later that day, as she was on NWSL break and decided to visit Lucy (and, by extension, me).

When I came home from the hospital after driving Alexia hope - who wanted some alone time - the couple welcomes me with comprehensive smiles, while Frido, Ana and Abby were also here, all looking at me and communicating their support.

As soon as I walk in, Ana walks toward me and hugs me tight.

"Your girl's gonna be fine, Mew - and you will be, too."

"Like she said!" Frido adds, hugging me as well, "nobody's judging you and Ale. I for one am actually glad you guys found each other. We love you both."

The warmth in my heart just kept on invading my chest until I reached my sister's arms. I burst into tears, as if all the secrets and feelings I've been holding back for months just resurfaced. My roommate discretely go to another room, so that my sister and I are alone now.

After a while, I pull away from her embrace, while she grabs my face and says in a comforting voice:

"I am so very proud of you, Sammy. And I love you."

"I love you, too." I say, honest. I then frown, asking: "How long are you here for?"

"Well, since Luce and I need to plan the wedding, I guess two weeks or something!"

I smile, before hugging my sister again.

"I am so glad you're here."

"I am glad I'm here" Kristie jokes, amused.

When we pull away again, I can see she wasn't telling me something.

"What is it, Kratch?" I ask, confused.

Hesitant, Kristie then ends up saying:

"Sammy, there's something you should know..."

THE PLAYERS SERIES : S.M. {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now