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"... ¡Y vuelve la Liga Femenina! La temporada 2022-2023 promete ofrecer a los aficionados grandes recuerdos, tanto por la asistencia a los partidos como por la calidad del juego. Hoy también se produce el regreso de La Reina, Alexia Putellas, tras meses de baja por una rotura de ligamentos internos durante la Eurocopa del pasado verano. Putellas y sus compañeras no sólo aspiran al título español, sino también a la Liga de Campeones... Y empieza ahora, hoy, contra el Valencia." the male commentator announces, excited.

{English: And the Women's Premier League is back! The 2022-2023 season promises to provide fans with great memories, both in terms of match attendance and quality of play! Today also marks the return of The Queen, Alexia Putellas, after months off due to torn internal ligaments during last summer's Euro. Putellas and her teammates are not only aiming for the Spanish championship, but also for the Champions League... And it starts now, today, against Valencia!}

His colleague takes over:

"No podría haberlo dicho mejor, José. Y para esta reanudación, el técnico Jonathan Giraldéz ha optado por explotar un once inicial de calidad: de hecho, en un 4-4-2, tenemos a Paños en la portería, León y Paredes en el centro de la defensa, con el debut de Lucy Bronce como lateral derecho, sustituida por Torrejón en la izquierda. En el centro, Putellas y Bonmati estarán rodeados por Rolfö y Pina en las bandas, mientras que el ataque estará liderado por Graham Hansen y Oshoala. Un once inicial de ensueño, entonces."

{English: I could not have said it better, Jose! And for this resumption, coach Jonathan Giraldéz has chosen to exploit a starting 11 of quality: in fact, in a 4-4-2 formation, we have Paños in goal, Leon and Paredes in central defense, with the debut of Lucy Bronze as right-back, substituted by Torrejón on the left. In the center, Putellas and Bonmati will be surrounded by Rolfö and Pina in the wings, while the attack will be led by Graham Hansen and Oshoala. A dream starting 11, we could say.}

"Más impresionante aún cuando se ven los jugadores del banquillo: Crnogorcevic, Patri, Battle, Engen, Walsh y Mewis, entre otros... Es un banquillo asesino el que tiene el Barça."

{English: Even more impressive when you see the players on the bench: Crnogorcevic, Patri, Battle, Engen, Walsh and Mewis, among others... It is a bench of killers that Barça has.}

"Preguntarse si todos estos jugadores seguirán existiendo dentro de unos meses..."

{English: to wonder if all these players will still be there in a few months..."


The game ended in a comfortable victory 3-0 over Valencia, with two of those coming from Alexia's foot. She was more excited than during the preseason games, and that spark everybody was talking about seemed to be on its way back inside her eyes. I played 20 minutes alongside Keira Walsh, with who I had a great understanding on the field level. I know most of the benched players did not get any playing time and were quite angry, as rumors had it some of them were on their way out of the club.

From my part, and for the first time since being here, I felt useful on the field. Quite content with my performance - subbing in for La Reina herself wasn't easy and there was a lot of pressure on my shoulders - I just enjoyed playing soccer again. I was congratulated by the end of the game by my teammates, especially Lucy, who then points toward the stands.

My eyes go simultaneously wide and wet when I spot my parents and sister in the stands, smiling at me with their proud looks. I run toward them, before literally jumping into their arms, burying my crying face inside the family huddle we installed. Lucy closely follows, visibly in the know of their coming here. When the hug is over, I see my sister reunite with her fiancé, kissing her shamelessly, while some fans around start cheering for them.

Wiping my tears away, I look at my mom, asking her:

"What are you guys doing here...?"

"Baby, we have 1 week of freedom from work : did you really think we wouldn't come and see you?" Melissa Mewis states, amused.

"Especially in Barcelona!" Bob Mewis adds, amused.

While his wife gives him an elbow in the ribs, I just hug her once again, before turning toward my sister and Lucy.

The pair had become quite renowned in the world of football after their came out as a couple back in their Manchester City days. The American and the British, a love story for the ages, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I always believed it would be impossible for my sister to find a good match, if not the perfect match, but she did.

Speaking of which, the latter just comes and hugs me, before whispering in my ear:

"I am so proud of you, Sammy."

"Thanks for being here" I say, before suddenly realizing something, "did you tell our parents about... me and Pat?"

Kristie shakes her head, holding me closer.

"No - it wasn't for me to announce it to them. But they know, deep down : they called Pat to ask him if he was coming and he told them that he couldn't."


"Yeah... Tell me something, 'cause Lucy won't talk about it: how's Keira behaving ?"

Frowning, I just escape my sister's embrace, before honestly saying:

"I don't know. For what I've seen she's keeping her distances and doesn't talk to Lucy outside of the field."

"Mh. Suspicious."

"How come?"

"Remember how creepy she was a few years ago ? She was a freakin' psychopath... I feel like it's very weird she's here now, with Lucy."

"You have nothing to worry about" I say, confident, "even if she was following some kind of masterplan, Lucy wouldn't fall for it. She's with you - hell, she's gonna marry you!"

Nodding her head, Kristie only says in a low voice:

"You're right, thank you. But can you still keep an eye on her? For me?"

"Sure, Kratch."

Our mother just choses this moment to burst in our conversation and exclaim:

"Isn't it fun? Family Europe trip! We're here for five days in Barcelona, so you better get us to visit this beautiful town!"

"I haven't visited yet..." I shamefully admit, setting my jaw.

"And she hasn't shown me around either" Lucy complains, smirking.

Rolling my eyes, I just defend myself:

"I've been occupied, sorry."

"Well, we still expect to visit this city with you, Samantha!" Bob says, tapping my shoulder. As I sigh, he adds: "maybe ask your teammates for nice stuffs to do?"

"Will do."

As Lucy and I are on our way to the showers, the Brit asks in a low voice:

"How are you gonna tell them about your divorce?"

"I have no freaking idea..." I let out, terrified.

Because if there was someone that loved Pat more than I did back in the days, it was Bob and Melissa Mewis - and disappointing them, although my dating life wasn't meant to follow their own tastes, did not really bring joy to my heart...


Get to know the players: Keira Walsh feat Leah Williamson

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