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That night, as I was on my way back to mine and Caroline's room, I hear a voice through the corridor, leading to a room that was lightened. Frowning, because it was almost midnight and nobody usually is up around that time on our floor, I slowly approach the door, that was half-opened. 

The inaudible voice then transforms itself into whispers, barely loud enough to get to my ears:

"... No, no entiendes... No puedo volver a eso. Te lo dije: fue sólo por unos meses porque estaba desesperado, pero a la larga no quiero eso en mi vida. Sólo déjame en paz... (...) De verdad, no estoy bromeando: déjame en paz o haré que mi abogado se involucre... ¿Amenazas? Gran idea, grandote: no se puede jugar así. No me vuelvas a llamar. Adiós, ahora."

Not understanding one word, I nevertheless recognize the voice whispering: it was Alexia's. 

On my way back to my room - well, on the moment when I was turning around to go back toward my room - my phone falls down my pocket and hits the ground with a noise, that is loud enough to be heard.

Seconds later, Alexia steps out of the open room, her hands on her hips.

"What, are you spying on me now, Mewis?" she harshly asks. 

It is the first time she addresses me in such a tone, usually being the calm and patient one of the two. 

Realizing it must be a quite sensitive subject for her to react that way, I just calmly say:

"N-No, I'm sorry, I was walking by and... You seemed upset. On the phone, I-I mean. I don't understand shit in Spanish, but the tone of your voice-"

"Your room is on opposite side of this floor" Alexia remarks, throwing daggers at me with her eyes only.

"I-uh, got lost... (realizing how dumb that was, I clumsily add:) or something."

"Or something?" the brunette asks, arching her eyebrows. 

Sighing, I take my hands up in redemption, admitting I was wrong.

"Alright, you're right: I was trying to listen to what you were saying. But as you know, I really don't understand a word of Spanish aside from ola and tapas, so really I didn't get anything you were talking about."

There is a small silence accompanying those words, while Alexia just takes a few second to calm down her nerves. During that brief moment, I just get to admire how collected and in control she actually is, as her eyes are changing immediately, softening in the best way. 

Taking a deep breath, she just says in a neutral voice:

"I am sorry I was rude to you just now. It's just... I so used to everybody always wanting to have THE scoop on me and my private life than I am always on my guards, and it's truly exhausting..."

Nodding my head, I say:

"I get that, trust me."

Alexia smirks, visibly not believing a word of what I was saying.

"Really?" she asks, polite.

"Yeah. You know, USWNT fans can be quite intense when it comes to knowing every single detail of the players' dating life. When I got married to Pat, some fans were writing threats to him, claiming that I was too good for him and that I should date my best friend instead. I mean, I felt violated, and it keeps on going - it's been for years, only less strong now that I am not as present in the national team as I used to be. Being under the spotlight kind of does that - it turns your fans into people who want to know everything about you. Well, thankfully, only some of them are as dramatic, but it happens, and I know what it can do to you."

Visibly surprised by my collected answer, Alexia nods, before declaring:

"Wow. I am sorry you and your husband had to endure all that."

"It's... fine. I mean, you get used to it."

Alexia nods, before asking:

"If I tell you something, can you keep it to yourself?" 

I nod.


Alexia gets closer to me, before whispering to my face:

"I hate being famous. It sucks: the pressure, the way everybody expects stuff from you even when they don't know you - like, they have no idea what you've gone through, what you're currently going through, but they just expect you to be perfect. So damn perfect. And I am sick of it."

Surprised - both by the closeness and Alexia's reveal (which, by the way, is the first breakthrough and personal deep conversation we've ever had) - I just nod, while Alexia turns around and starts walking in circles. 

As I feel like she might be thinking that I don't care (which I actually do, against all odds), I immediately clear out:

"I can't imagine what it is like for you. Because you're the world's best player and all. I never had that kind of pressure."

"Well, it ain't funny" Alexia declares, frowning. Then, she shrugs and scratches her eyes, adding: "I'm sorry, I should just let you go to bed. It's late."

"It's fine, really. I am glad to be able to at least listen."

Visibly uncomfortable, Alexia only says:

"Good night, Mewis."

"Good night" I respond, as she is walking past me, not turning around.


The next morning, I woke up with a text from Pat, that really got me on my feet within seconds only:

From: Pat {7:45 am}: Sam, it's enough. I am flying to Barcelona tomorrow, whether you like it or not, because we need to talk face to face. I am sick and tired of being an option for your, so you better make up your mind wether you still want in this marriage or not.

On the verge of collapsing, I walk toward the dining room, immediately approached by Lucy, who seemed quite alarmed herself. 

"You go first" she says, realizing I was in trouble.

"Pat is coming to Barcelona tomorrow. Your turn."

Lucy takes a deep breath, before saying as calmly as possible: 

"You heard about my evil ex, Keira?"

"Yeah, Kristie hates her."

Lucy's face seem to decompose when she ends up dropping the bomb:

"She just signed for Barça, she's expected to join the squad on Monday..."

"Oh shit" I let out, shocked.

"Yes, shit...."


Get to know the players: Aitana Bonmati

(feat Marta Torrejon, Andrea Pereira & Patri Guijarro)

THE PLAYERS SERIES : S.M. {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now