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Organizing a visit of a town you've never been to for your family really did not bring me joy - not even a little.

If one thing must be known about Melissa and Bob Mewis, it was that they rarely travelled outside of the U.S., mostly to see their daughters play with the national team or their respective NWSL teams. Last time was in Manchester when Kristie was playing there. So, with the rarity of heir travels, they wanted to fully experience a country's culture and traditions, and it was the same for cities overall.

After visiting la Sangrada Familia - the spot Alexia took me while I was hangovered last week - and visiting Catalonian Art Museum, we took a break while getting coffee on the cozy terrace where Alexia also took me the other day.

As the five of us - my parents, Kristie, Lucy and I - are seated on a table, waiting for our coffees, Lucy suddenly spots someone walking by and calls out:

"Alexia !"

Of course she would just show up out of nowhere, I think to myself, rolling my eyes.

When I turn around - and so do the others - we all spot Alexia walking by on her own, her sunglasses on. When she realizes it's Lucy and I, she cracks a smile and walks toward our table, politely saluting my parens and sister, before staring at Lucy and I.

"Hi!" she exclaims, raising her eyebrows, before turning to me and saying: "So, you quite enjoyed that coffee shop last week ?"

Rolling my eyes at her, I playfully respond:

"It's alright, I guess. Alexia, my parents, Melissa and Bob, as well as my sister, Kristie."

"Nice to meet you" the Spanish captain politely greets them, visibly uncomfortable to meet people she doesn't know.

My father wouldn't miss his chance to dramatically stand up, shake her hand and say:

"It is an honor meeting the world's best. I hope our Samantha hasn't been too insufferable so far."

"Dad!" I exclaim, blushing.

"Ah, she's alright... most of the time" Alexia playfully answers, visibly amused by the situation. She then turns toward my mother and asks: "How do you like Barcelona so far?"

This time, Kristie speaks up:

"It's nice, but our guides are miserable."

"Well, if you're counting on those two to give you a proper tour" Alexia starts, before addressing cold yet playful looks to both Lucy and I, but especially me, "then you're not going to see much. I barely managed to take Samantha out once, and Lucy never."

My mom just sighs dramatically.


While both Kristie and Lucy burst into laughter, I can see Alexia holding her own laugh back, staring at me with defiant eyes.

Rolling my eyes, I just wait for someone to fill in that awkward silence, and regret doing so as my father says directly to Alexia:

"Why don't you join us?"

"Dad" I immediately let out, frowning, "she's got most important things to do, I bet."

Setting my jaw, I just wait for Alexia to confirm my theory, which she doesn't:

"Today's actually my off day, but I wouldn't like to intrude a family reunion..."

"Oh, please!" Melissa exclaims, getting up and grabbing Alexia's forearm, "you're a friend of Sam's, so we are happy to offer you some coffee!"

"Alright" Alexia agrees, sitting down next to me, before adding: "but if you buy me coffee, then the least I can do is being a free tour guide."

Bob exclaims joyfully:


As the conversation goes on with my parents asking plenty of questions to Alexia, wether being about her awards, the club or her personal family life, we reach a point when all of us would only laugh together quite naturally, as if Alexia's always been part of the decor.


"It was really nice of you to stay and play tour guide" I say, breaking a long silence that inhabited the spaces between Alexia and I as we were walking back from my parents' hotel to the area where we lived.

The Spanish smirks.

"Your family is really cool, so it was a pleasure. Plus, I get to know you better."

"That's a good thing, right?" I ask, defiant.

"Mh, yeah, you're more likable when we dig deeper than your shell, Mewis" Alexia admits, smirking.

"Ah! I knew you hated me at first."

"Who tells you I don't hate you still, uh?"

Nodding my head, beaten, I just take a moment to stare at her from the corner of my eyes.

Her mid-long brown hair are straight and have some blonde reflections on them because of the summer sun, while her hazel eyes were brightened by the descending orange sun. Her facial traits were very thin, as her jaw was clinched most of the time. She was dressed quite in a minimalist way, with her hands inside her jeans' pockets.

Something in her was very mysterious, almost mystic, which draws me to her, and to ask her this question:

"Do you? Hate me, I mean?"

She stops walking, raising her eyebrows.

"I never hated you, Mewis."

I scoff, both confused and relieved.

"I'm sorry for behaving like a bitch at the beginning" I then end up apologizing, sincere.

Alexia nods her head.

"Landing in a country you know nothing about alongside people who doesn't speak the same language than you must be confusing enough, I didn't expect you to be all chill and cool about it" she then reveals. She then subtly winks at me, cracking a smile, before adding: "But you eventually came around."

Feeling a warm feeling inside my stomach, I then decide to change the subject by asking:

"I never asked you this, but how come you speak English that well?"

"My dad taught me when I was young" she responds, looking ahead of us, "he used to say that, if I wanted to go somewhere in life, I had to know both Spanish and English. So I learnt it and kept practicing again and again, even after he passed."

Nodding my head, I sincerely say:

"I am sorry. When did he die?"

"It was two weeks before the start of the 2012 UEFA's under-19 championship. It wasn't expected, and it broke my heart. Every day since I keep on giving 300% in his memory, because he would always be my biggest fan. Every goal I score is for him. I can't believe it's been 10 years already."

"Well, wherever he is, I bet he is pretty proud of his daughter" I concede, cracking a smile.

Alexia and I catch eyes, before we get to her building. We stand in front of each other for a while, before she ends up saying:

"This afternoon was fun - thank you for that. Don't hesitate if you need a tour guide again soon"

I smirk, before saying:

"If I get lost tomorrow, you'll be the first person I call."

"Bye, Mewis - hasta mañana"

"Hasta mañana" I repeat, starting to walk away from her.

As Alexia turns around as well, I wait for her to be almost inside the building to turn around and look at her.

She might be the biggest surprise here in Barcelona...


Get to know the players: Sam Mewis

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