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"¡Es la hora de la fiesta!" Jana exclaims, raising her glass to the rest of the team.

While the girls cheer, the bar starts playing loud Spanish music, while most of my teammates go on the dance floor. Prior to the drinking part, we actually went to get dinner at a nice local tapas place, to which Patri knew the owner, who agreed to make special prizes for his city's players. Then, the rest is history.

I didn't realize the importance of this preseason party until I realized everyone from the team (except the head coach) was here, including the staff members that made our everyday lives playing football possible. Hell, even Alexia Ballon d'Or Putellas was here, drinks in hand, dancing to the sound of the latin music.

After a few hours with the girls, I started getting more and more relaxed, feeling like this party was exactly what I needed to forget that I am soon-to-be divorced. Therefore, I started drinking more and more, following my teammates with shots and Spritz glasses.

So far, Patri, Aitana, Mariona, Salma and Frido were the drunkest, closely followed by the rest of the team. Only a few of us were sober, such as Mapi, who wouldn't drink alcohol unless in a case of winning the champions league or the championship all together.

I start feeling dizzier than usual when I am on the dance-floor with Aitana and Ona and decide to take a break by going to the bathroom. Nausea suddenly takes over my body, as I lean against the lavatory, taking deep breaths in.

"Well, shit, Sammy - you're in a badder shape than I am!" Lucy's voice raises behind me, amused.

Turning around, I just smirk.

"Well, you don't look too good either."

"What do you want me to say: Keira's coming in 10 minutes, and I certainly can't welcome her sober otherwise I will kill her. So, yeah - I know those are shitty mechanisms. Please don't tell your sister."

Raising my hands as if I was getting arrested, I dramatically say:

"I am a tomb. No, but seriously, I get it. Whatever happens in this bar stays in this bar."

"Sweet. Thanks, Mew. Now, I'll get some fresh air. You coming? I mean, it's still gotta be better than to be stuck in those toilets either way."


I follow Lucy outside, and once we get there, we come face to face with Sandra and Alexia, who were in a visibly deep and important talk, that got interrupted as soon as they saw us. It even looked as if they were arguing.

Too drunk to really care, I just smirk and watch as Sandra throws Alexia a deadly glare and goes back inside, while the brunette just watches, rolling her eyes. Lucy and I then walk past her, sitting on the sidewalk, laughing our assess off about some bad joke.

After a while, Lucy turns toward Alexia, looks up at her and asks:

"Trouble in paradise?"

Raising her eyebrows, Alexia just responds:

"Don't worry about it. You guys okay?"

"Yup, perfect, even" I let out, amused.

Nodding her head, Alexia goes back inside, leaving us alone. As soon as she's gone, Lucy turns toward me and says:

"She's quite cool, isn't she?"

Rolling my eyes, I just respond:

"She's alright, I guess."

"That's bad faith, Sammy, and you know it" Lucy comments, bursting into laughter.

But she loses her smile when Keira gets there, walking out of a taxi that deposited her right by the entrance we were sitting next to.

Drama is getting started, I think to myself, as Lucy watches her England teammate and ex-girlfriend walk toward her.

Setting her jaw, the newcomer only says:

"Lucy, hi."

"Hey" the dark-haired reacts, annoyed already.

"Can I please talk to you?" Keira then asks, precarious, "I just wanna clear the air, not make some masterplan to destroy you, don't worry."


This is my cue, I think to myself, leaving them have their much-needed talk, going back inside.


Things really turn out bad for me around 1 am, when I almost fall down in the middle of the dance floor. Fortunately enough, a few girls were here to catch me before I do - and amongst them, leading the 'rescue', was Alexia. The brunette immediately helped me walk toward the small terrace at the back of the bar, forcing me to sit down, and doing so just next to me. My nausea had just increased, as I felt like I was about to throw up big time.

Although I expected Alexia's eyes to be full of judgment and mockery, I realize she was actually pretty chill about my drunken situation, as she says:

"I knew Americans weren't used to alcohol, but not to that extent"

Rolling my eyes, I just say:

"Well, sorry for not being alcoholic or something"

"Jesus, Mewis, don't be on the defensive all the time - I was only kidding!" Alexia exclaims, visibly amused by my reaction. As I frown, she adds: "I've been meaning to ask you: how did it go with that husband of yours?"

I sigh.

"He won't be my husband as soon as I sign those damn divorce papers" I just declare, serious.

Alexia nods her head, emphatic.

"I'm sorry."

Smirking - and my judgment darkened by alcohol - I just throw her a deadly look, before honestly saying:

"You don't have to act like you care."

"Oh, but it's not an act" the brunette clears out, raising her eyebrows. When we catch eyes, she adds: "You're part of my team, and I take care of my own. So, whether you like it or not, I care about you to some extent."

"That's actually... nice" I admit, feeling dizzy once again, "I get why they made you captain."

"Why, because I take care of my teammates?" Alexia inquires, confused.

I nod.

"Yeah, and you know, you're also a pretty good player overall." I then admit.

Alexia cracks a smile.

"Careful, Mewis, you're getting nice all of a sudden... are you on drugs?"

I laugh, before responding:

"Shut up."

"Ah. That's more like you."

And, as I try to get up, I suddenly feel very bad, and stare at Alexia, saying:

"I'll be right back."

As I walk toward the angle of the adjacent street, she just responds:

"Um, yeah, I'll be right were with some mint chewing-gum when you're done."

If this isn't fucking Karma for ending my marriage..., I think to myself, exteriorizing all the pain and anxiety I had been feeling since coming here.


Get to know the players: Jana & Mariona

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