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« And the three finalists for the Ballon D'Or féminin are... Ada Hegerberg, Beth Mead and Alexia Putellas ! »

The reporter smirks.

« A few days after the news of Putellas' relationship with U.S. midfielder Samantha Mewis - who was only recently divorced - broke out, the best player in the world, nicknamed 'La Reina' breaks the internet once more. Can the holder of the title do it once more, despite the disputes on the Spanish national team and injury ? »

« I don't know, Bryan : despite being rated the highest on FIFA - in both men's and women's - there are questions about whether Putellas is worthy of the title. Either way, while her romance with Samantha Mewis made her popularity meter go off the charts, it also raised an important question : how will this relationship affect her career ? »

The female reporter just rolls her eyes.

« My bet is that Putellas, such as every professional athlete, will know how to balance both her personal and professional life very well. However, this is none of our business : she is an amazing athlete and deserves recognition, not just gossip about who she's dating. »

« Well, Aimee, I didn't know you as a Barça fan. »

« In truth I am just a fan of women sticking up for themselves and each other, because the world is too full of headless dicks thinking they are allowed to judge public personalities based on their intimacy. »

« But-»

« And this is it for our daily sports news » the female journalist goes on, annoyed, « good evening ! »

Ana switches the TV off, while Frido swears in Swedish.

"Thank god for reporters like Aimee" the Swiss only says, truly shocked by what we just witnessed.

"Fuck the rest of them" Frido lets out without second thought.

Just as she said that, the door of our apartment opens, and Lucy appears, her eyes red from crying, and her luggage hardly drawn behind her. I immediately get up, confused: she just came back from the United States, from my sister's apartment, and yet she looked like she just went through a breakup.

Quite immediately, I walk toward her and offer her a warm sisterly embrace, as she starts crying in my arms. Throwing a look at the two roommates left, I just indicate them to pour us some tea and get ready for a heart-to-heart. Although I was doubting this breakdown had anything to do with my sister but more with the third party on the way, I just remain calm.

After a while, Lucy blurts out:

"What the hell are we gonna do? Like, sure, Kristie and I had been trying in-vitro recondition for a few months now but they told us it'd took us at least two years for it to work. And now she's pregnant with my kid, and we live on two continents... and both of us have irrevocable contracts, which mans my kid's gonna be born and then grow up without me, I-I..."

"Hey, hey, Luce" I try to say, willing to be comprehensive, "I know you and Kratch will figure it out. There must be a term of your contracts that involve emergency terms."

"And what if there is, but I'm happy in Barcelona and Kristie's happy in the U.S.? She always says we're gonna figure it out but with the wedding coming up in one week and everything I just... you know."

Patting her shoulder, I say:

"Luce, you just got life-changing news. Maybe it's best if you just sit down for a bit, and breathe, 'cause neither of us know how to reanimate a fainting person."

"... well, I do" Ana says, smirking, "it's part of basic training for getting our drivers' license in Switzerland..."

"Whatever, big brains" I let out, rolling my eyes at her, amused.

We all start laughing, as it removes a weight from the difficult conversation.

After a while, Lucy starts cooling down and breathe again, while the tea in her hand was drawing a lot of laughter around the fact that she looked very British at the moment.

Then, my future sister-in-law ends up asking:

"So... are you gonna bring a plus one at the wedding?"

Raising my eyebrows, I just ask in return:

"Did Kristie ask you to ask me this?"

"She did" Lucy concedes, smirking, "she also wanted me to warn you about the 'sister scan evaluation' coming up if you and Alexia are really serious about getting together."


"Yeah, I know, I tried to make her change her mind but you know your sister..."

"Bloody hell" I let out, smirking.

There is another silence, that Lucy breaks by saying:

"Also, Kristie told me about the national team... I'm very sorry, Sammy."

I sigh: of course nobody knew here. Both Frido and Ana turn toward me, their eyes going wide, while Lucy realizes her mistake.

Before she can apologize, I just urge her not to, and turn toward my two other roommate in order to say:

"It's gonna be public any time now, so it's best if you hear it from me: the national team coach thinks it's a better option to leave me out of the squad for the upcoming months so that I can resolve a long-term injury I've been having. My knee, to be exact..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mewis" Ana says, honest.

"This sucks" Frido adds, before cracking a smile and saying: "but at least Ale and you can team up and form the cripple club now!"

Bursting into laughter, I just roll my eyes, while the conversation goes on. But, inside of my head, everything was running 100%: what was I going to do once I announce the bad news to Barcelona's head coach? Will my contract be resigned? Will I be urged to go back to the United States, which would actually be great in terms of sisterly support but terrible in terms of my relationship with Alexia?

I wanted to cry.


Later that day, I opened the door after somebody rang it, knowing damn well that Ana and Frido forced Lucy to go out in order to clear her mind.

When my eyes meet with some familiar hazel ones, I just frown.

"Abby? What's up?"

The blonde just bluntly and heartfully says:

"I still love you, Sarm. And I realize it might be too late, but if I don't shoot my shot I'll never forgive myself. Please say you love me back."

And just like that, my world collapses again... and little did I know that Alexia, who came to bring me flowers to show her support to my family, heard every piece of it from the other side of the corridor...


QUESTION: are you team Abby or team Alexia for the quest of Sam's heart?

THE PLAYERS SERIES : S.M. {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now