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"Sammy, there's something you should know... I am pregnant"


I burst into laughter, genuinely both surprised and falling more in love with Alexia's goofy side, which she reveals only to the people closest to her.

We were at her apartment, while the sun just set, 'cooking together' - I couldn't say together-together since Alexia didn't lie about her terrible cooking skills. So, it was more me trying to teach her, and then me mocking her because she would literally ruin everything she touched.

Direct example: she tried to break an egg, which ended mostly on the floor.

"Alexia!" I exclaim, trying to breath between two laughs, "you're a disaster!"

The brunette stares at me, laughing, exclaiming:

"See? You didn't believe me when I told you I suck at cooking!"

"Alright, alright, you made your point" I say, helping her get her hands - full of smashed eggs - clean.

As she was washing her hands, I realize she has some on her hair and intend to get my fingers through them, removing the small parts that are left. She giggles, visibly highly amused by the situation.

After a while, she says:

"I swear I am not overdoing it."

"Oh, I believe you!" I let out, amused, "I guess we finally found an area where La Reina is mediocre!"

"Hey!" she exclaims, softly hitting my arm.

As an act of (well-deserved) vengeance, she immediately goes for my tickling spots, that she had discovered the other night when she was trying to cuddle me but I couldn't bare it. I start screaming like a mad woman, before running around her apartment, while she would only die of laughter.

We end up on the couch, almost on each other, both laughing.

"Alright, alright, I surrender" I dramatically say, raising my hands as if she was a cop about to arrest me. "I will accept whatever punishment you see fit - just don't tickle me anymore, otherwise I'll just die."

Alexia smirks.

"Dramatic much, Mew?" she asks, smirking.

"Me? Never."

The brunette then shamelessly climbs on top of me, gluing my back on the couch, making sure to block my arms so I wouldn't move.

My breath is immediately taken away from my lungs, as I lose myself inside her eyes.

The warmth of her body would make my own react, as I feel a sudden heat going up in between my legs, and in my whole body actually.

Biting her lips, she then kisses me with depth and meaning, before pulling away.

"Your punishment has been given."

I smirk.

"Mh. Why don't you, erm, punish me again...?"

We start kissing wildly, our tongues dancing together and our hands wandering on each other's body... until I grab her hand and slowly slip it in between my legs.

Of course she got the memo: her eyes go wide, as she seems to panic and sits back down on the couch, still on me.

I sit down as well, frowning.

"I-I'm sorry, did I do a-a-anything wrong?" I ask, utterly panicked.

Alexia shakes her head no.

"No, no, you didn't... I just... Are you sure?"

I nod.

"Listen, Ale, I wanna be with you - fully. And, to be honest, keeping my hands off you is becoming kind of complicated, especially when you kiss me like that. So... I trust you."

There is a spark in her eyes, while she climbs back on top of me, this time a little on the side, her hand slipping in between my legs this time, under my pants. As soon as I feel her warm fingers touch the critical part, it's like I've been a virgin all over again, as each of her touch would trigger a million of pleasing physical sensations at once.

After she's made me come, I reverse the situation, immediately going down on her, before she experiences the same loss of control than I just did. Out of breath, she lies on top of me, my arms wrapped around her, as our naked bodies were colliding. I could feel her heart beat quite hardly inside her chest.

Summersaults inside my stomach, I just hear her say, her intense gaze planted in mine:

"I love you, Samantha."

Surprised - it actually is the first time she's called me Samantha and not Mewis or Mew in the past 6 months we've known each other - my eyes soften.

Biting my lips and leaning in to kiss her, I take advantage of that small moment before our lips touch to whisper:

"I love you, mi reina"

My heart had never been so full.

We fell asleep after three more rounds of passionate sex - the best I've ever had in my life, while everything looked as lively as the butterflies in my stomach...



"Sammy" Kristie say on the other side of the phone, as her and Lucy had gone back to the U.S. in prevision of the wedding taking place next Sunday, "you should really check your instagram mentions..."

"What? Why?" I ask, confused.

Alexia, who was sitting down next to me, as we were early for her physical rehabilitation and me for the training session, raises one eyebrow.

"Just... go see for yourself" my sister only says.

"Alright, weirdo... bye."

I hang up, before going on my Instagram.

From that point on, I felt like the sky was literally falling over my head, propulsion me in the depths of hell or something similar. It only takes me a look on the pictures that mentioned me today to see the degree of catastrophe ; and when I open the first one, I am about to throw up - and somehow I know it's the same for Alexia.


I turn toward Alexia, who remains silent, her eyes fixed in front of her, as if she was staring at the emptiness making its way inside our heads right now. Alexia's worst nightmare was coming to life, and there was nothing I could do about it. Meanwhile, somebody openly outed me to the whole freakin' world.

Too stunned to speak, Alexia and I just look at each other, but no words came out of either our mouths.

... What does this mean for us...?

THE PLAYERS SERIES : S.M. {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now