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The next morning, Lucy and I got to the training center early so I could make her a small tour of the impressive facility. We went on to drink coffee on the main terrace, before just enjoying the view and catching up.

Lucy did not waste any time before asking me: 

"So, Pat tells me you're distant. What's up ? and don't even try to lie to me, 'cause Kristie's given me a special course to know how you lie."

Rolling my eyes, I just let out:

"Of course she did" and, getting more serious, I add: "As for Pat, I don't know... I feel like something just changed in my feelings for him..."

"Aouch" the Brit lets out, before adding: "Does he know that?"

I shake my head no.

"I guess he expects it given my repeated non-answers, but I don't have it in me to tell him over the phone and all. We've been together for so long and he's been an important part of my life, so I owe him to have those kind of discussions face-to-face."

"Does that mean you wanna put an end to your marriage?" Lucy inquires, emphatic. 

But as I was about to answer, a familiar voice raises behind us and says:

"Ooooh, who's getting divorced now?" 

Turning around, I see Ingrid and Mapi approaching us, hand in hand, accompanied by Patri and Aitana, who were also very interested by the present conversation. 

Sighing, I just change the subject by introducing Lucy to the others. They obviously noticed, and it might've told them more about my romantic situation than I would've wanted to, but at least they left me alone. Rather, they sat down with us and ordered some coffee, as our discussions were centered about the team and everything. 

Soon enough, we were joined by a few more players and, at last, Alexia made an appearance, already in her sports bra and shorts, visibly sweaty as if she had just undergone a session. As soon as she is close enough to hear us, Aitana exclaims:

"¿La reina tuvo su sesión matutina?"

Frowning, I just turned figured 'sesión matuina' meant something like 'morning session', meaning Alexia indeed did sports this morning. 

Smirking, the captain just answers:

"Hola a ti también. Veo que nuestra nueva llegada está finalmente aquí." and, switching to a top-notch english, she gives her hand for Lucy to shake, shamelessly getting in my way, before adding: "Welcome, Lucy. It's great to have you here!"

"Honestly, I'd rather be your teammate than enemy, Putellas" Lucy answers, quite relaxed.

I knew those two had crossed path on the field during the Euros and some other tournaments already, but I had no idea they actually appreciated each other. Once they shook each other's hands, Alexia just takes her own back, throwing me a look in the process, that is met with my dark glare. 

She sits down in between Patri and Aitana, while they start a new conversation, that only lasts as much as five minutes, before we are called into the morning physical session. 

Before we enter the lockerroomrs, I just turn toward Lucy and asks:

"So, you know a lot of the girls already?"

"Yeah, I mean, we've crossed path during tournaments and all, and they're pretty cool." the Brit answers, a smile on her lips. She then sees my worried face and inquires: "Why? Don't you feel welcome here?"

I shrug.

"Let's say it's been quite awkward - I'm not a natural like you, you know."

"Or maybe" Lucy lets out, amused, "you're too busy hating on Putellas to actually get to know her and the rest of the players."

"I'm not-"

"But it's fine, Mewie - I'm here to be your social coach now!" 

Rolling my eyes, I follow Lucy inside the gym, where our teammates were already training their asses off. 

A few times, I would start small discussions with my teammates, who were actually more and more chill with the day that pass. But still, there were a few faces I couldn't quite stand now - beginning with Alexia Putellas. 

You might say it is relentless from my part, but sometimes you just don't get the feeling with someone, and everything in Alexia's being really repulsed me - and I was so obvious that she noticed the deadly glares I was throwing at her.

And she wasn't the only one...


"Can I talk to you please?"

"You already are."

"Alright, enough" Alexia hisses, before grabbing my forearm and dragging me somewhere nobody could hear us, "what's your problem?" 

Shrugging, I just stare at her, stubborn. 

"I guess I just don't like you" I honestly answer, annoyed.

"Yeah, that I figured" the brunette lets out, smirking, "but why?" 

"I don't know - just a vibe, I think."

"Alright, I get that, but I am the team's captain. This means that, on the professional level, you must put your 'vibelessness' aside and respect me as a player and leader. Can you do that?"

"'Vibelessness' is not even a word" I only comment sassy.

"I asked you a question, Mewis" Alexia insists, visibly annoyed by my - rather childish, let's be honest - behavior. "It's fine if you don't like me - I mean, I'm not a fan of yours either - I don't really care, but I care about this team and how well we function together. Do you think you can put whatever negative feelings you have toward me during work?" 

Alright, maybe I am taking this a little too far, I think to myself, not really sure where this aversion for the Spanish comes from. Maybe you're a little jealous 'cause you're never gotta be able to play in her position 'cause she's just that good

I end up nodding my head, saying in a mutter:


Rolling her eyes because of my bad faith, she just ends up concluding our discussion:

"Thank you. Let's get to work, then"

The rest of the day, all I can do is try and figure out ways to ignore the people I don't quite like - with Alexia as a headliner - or even bare with them as much as possible. You're in no position to dislike your teammates, or else they will get rid of you. You're disposable, Mewis, and you're going against bigger forces. Nothing will happen to La Reina, but they don't care about a silly American. 

And, from time to time, I could feel Alexia's eyes on my neck, as if she was trying to figure my thoughts and ways of reasoning through her intense hazel eyes.

Gosh I hate her, I think to myself several times. 


Get to know the players: Alexia Putellas

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