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I nervously stand by the airport's entrance, leaning against my car in a seemingly chill way, although nothing was 'chill' about the situation I was about to experience. As soon as I spot the two caramel eyes and the rather mid-long, blonde hair of my (former) best friend, I feel my heart racing inside my chest. 

Abby Dahlkemper and I have always been friends ever since we met on the first day of college, while we were trying out for the UCLA soccer team. It was around 10 years ago, and ever since we never left each other's side. The first time we haven't played in the same team was a year ago, when I signed for Louisville coming back from Manchester, while she signed for San Diego around the same time to be closer to her husband. I knew that what I was feeling toward her wasn't all friendly, but I knew it would never happen - mostly because we were both married, but now especially since she is with Aaron and happy in love. Even though, it felt like our time has passed... or has it? 

The turmoil going on inside my chest and stomach doesn't stop any time soon, as Abby gets to me and exclaims:


I smirk at the nickname Abby came up with for me, as she just leaves her luggage in the middle of the way to rush inside my arms and pull me into a tight hug. Rather, she literally jumped on me, and it is as if I've seen her yesterday. All the good memories of the late night talks, the encouragements we would give each other prior to club and national team's games, the moment we became college and then World Champions together... We've been through it all, together. 

As she lets go of me, I can see how happy she was to see me, hence I say:

"Abs, it's been way too long! I'm so glad you're here!" 

Abby's eyes sparkle, as she innocently says:

"You know, I figured, it has been too long since we haven't been on the same club, so... here I am! In Spain ! Aaaaaaah."

"I had no idea your contract at San Diego came to an end?"

"It didn't - I asked for a season transfer, 'cause I really wanted to get some fresh air and new adventures... with old companions" she explains, playfully hitting my arm. As I smirk, content to see her, she adds: "Furthermore, since Lynn Williams took my place as bestie, I really needed to step up my game to gain my spot in your life back!"

I let a small laugh out, before wrapping an arm around the smaller girl's shoulders, conceding:

"I gotta admit - I missed you, Abs."

"Me too, Sarm."

"Alright, enough with the sentimental talk" I say, smirking, "let's go 'cause coach Jonatan isn't messing around with people being late - even though they've had 10-hours flights."

Nodding her head, she follows me into my car and, during the roadtrip that lasted around an hour, we wouldn't stop filling silences but telling each other everything - well, not everything since I didn't tell her about Alexia - and catching up as two best friends should.

But deeper inside my mind and soul, I was worried: my feelings for Abby haven't totally vanished...


Abby's welcome was warmer than mine - to say the least. 

Keira, who has been her teammate at Manchester City the season after Kristie and Lucy left, immediately rushed toward her and pulled her into a very tight hug - so tight it raised a few eyebrows amongst my teammates. Then, everybody went on to greet her, while I only spot Alexia and Mapi being in a deep, animated discussion on the other side of the room. When the brunette finally looks up and spots Abby, she then redirects her gaze toward me, firing daggers at me.

Oh Lord.

When Alexia and Mapi approach us, however, the tattooed girl talks first, giving her hand for Abby to shake:

"Olà, Abby! Bienvenido, all friends of Sam's are our friends, too. Did you travel okay?"

"It was quite bumpy at times, but I'm here so it's all that matters" my best friend indicates, before turning toward Alexia. While the brunette's body language was quite neutral, I knew something was up, as Abby goes on saying: "And you must be Alexia Putellas? It's an honor to meet you and be playing alongside you."

As Alexia reaches for her hand out of politeness, the Spanish responds by saying:

"Nice to meet you."

With that said, she just throws a cold look at me, before turning around and starting to walk away. Frowning, I just go after her once again and, as soon as we are both out of the dining room and alone in the corridor, I exclaim:

"Hey! What's up with the cold glances?" 

Turning around while also rolling her eyes, Alexia just crosses her arms against her chest and shamelessly declares:

"Nothing - it's just my resting bitch face, I've been told."

"Alexia" I beg, tired, "please, stop. How is your sister doing?"

"Not well - and, thanks to Sandra, now the whole Spanish squad of Barcelona is in the know of her situation, and they keep on trying to do nice things for me, but all it makes me feel really is annoyed and oppressed. So that's where we're at."

Nodding my head, empathizing with her, I respond:

"I'm sorry Sandra couldn't hold her tongue - but what has it got to do with Abby? Like, she hasn't done anything, and you're just being mean to her and-"

"Mewis, you don't have to turn into her protection dog or something" Alexia harshly says, her voice tinted in a tone I didn't quite know of her until now, "I am happy you are finally reunited with the woman you love and that you two will have a happy ending - I just don't want it to happen right before my eyes, or to be an hypocrite because I care about you and should, by extension, care about her."

My eyes go wide.

"What? But that's not it..."

"You're off the mark, Mewis" the brunette retorts, visibly annoyed, "and you visibly don't understand shit about anything."

With that said, she turns around and leaves, for good this time. 


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