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"... and the European player of the year is.... Alexia Putellas!"

A roar of applause erupts from the living room, which was filled with most of my new teammates. If my arrival was awkward, mostly because they were already almost all there, I managed to blend in, exchanging a few words with some of the girls, before finding a place to sit, in between Ana-Maria and Patri, who has been friendlier outside of training than when we met on the field. 

Being here, in the middle of a Barcelona squad that already was quite strong both mentally and physically, I just begin to grasp how the role of captain was important. Indeed, Alexia Putellas was not only a world-class player, who has been (rightfully so) praised for her intelligence and amazing vision but also for her leadership that has made a difference in Barcelona. Although I never played against them before, I heard about their incredible awakening a few years back, as they are growing stronger. 

Seeing the brunette stand on that stage, thanking the club and her teammates for making her better every day, even fully dedicating it to them (well - us, since I now was part of the team as well), I look around the see the tears in the eyes of our teammates. I don't believe I've ever seen a captain make her players cry out of joy before. 

When Alexia's speech is finished, the room bursts into applauses, as the players closest to Alexia start hugging each other. Then, Mapi immediately serves a limoncello to each one of us, claiming that it was a special occasion. 

"En Ale, la Reina de Europa" she says, raising her glass.

"En Ale!" the rest of the girls - me as well - repeat, all smiles. 

Once the ceremony is over, the discussion keep on going on, most of them being on Alexia's legendary career. When Irene realizes I am sitting on my own, she and Mariona come and sit next to me, all smiles. 

After a little bit of small talk, Irene ends up asking in English:

"So, Samantha, how are you adjusting to Barça?" 

Quite surprised - mostly because, apart from my roommates, nobody has asked me that yet - I immediately and honestly respond:

"It's tough, but I guess it's normal."

Mariona nods. 

"Especially here, it's not easy coming into a squad already packed-up and make yourself a place among good players" she says, her accent being a little more present than Irene's. As I nod, she shamelessly asks: "You know, we heard rumors that you're at the end of the rope with your national team: what do you think?" 

Wow, at least they don't beat around the bush here, I think to myself.

"I don't know - I am here to find that out." 

"That's not my question" Mariona insists, smirking, "I'm asking what do you think, not everybody else around you."

I set my jaw, on the verge of tears. 

"I'm, uh-" I start, my throat turning sore. While Irene throws a deadly look to Mariona, I nevertheless continues, my voice breaking a little: "I guess I am going through a self-confidence crisis or something."

Irene nods, empathetic.

"Every great player goes through those - only important thing is that you keep on trying, and others will believe in you." she says, serious.

"Yeah, if you manage to not give up and fight every single day, the whole team's gonna have your back. But right now they feel like you have given up already - you gotta turn things around, Mewis"

I nod my head, sighing. 

"I know."

"Then, you've gone through the hardest part: realization. Now, before going back out there tomorrow and prove your worth, just enjoy those team building moments: I know it doesn't seem like it, but your new teammates want to get to know you. So, chill, and enjoy the Barça inside experience."

"Alright, thanks" I say, staring at the two women around me. 

They smile, before our glasses cling together once more.


The next morning - thankfully proclaimed an off-day after yesterday's award ceremony - I wake up with a huge hangover, willing to just end my life for a second because of how badly my head hurt. Last night, we ended up drinking like mad women with half of the team, before hosting an after at our place. The last players left around 7 am, which shows how much fun we've all had - even me, as I started opening up to others and vice versa after alcohol stated to kick in. 

Groaning because of the headache, I immediately think of the medication I put in the kitchen's cupboard, that would eventually end my misery. Sighing, I put some shorts on to complete my oversized t-shirt and pantie kind of outfit, and walk out of my room. 

I almost gasp when I see a stranger in the kitchen, making herself some coffee. Well, not exactly a stranger, since it is Alexia Putellas. I immediately spot the luggage near the door, before the Spanish realized I am here. 

"Lo siento" she starts, before switching to a perfect English: "I took an early flight this morning, and then I realized I lost my keys and thought: well, Ana and Frido always leave their door open, so I came here to wait for the locksmith to pick up my calls."

Great, Sammy: you meet 'La Reina' in your pajamas with a hangover - way to go to gain your captain's favors, I think to myself, freezing. 

After a few seconds, Alexia frowns, which is my cue to say:

"Uh, it's f-fine : I'm Sam, the new midfielder."

"So I heard" the brunette says, her piercing light-brown eyes set on me. She has an amused smirk on the side of her lips when she says: "The World Champion."

My stomach aches a little.

I don't respond and walk straight toward the cupboard I was aiming for, taking the medication out of their packaging and swallowing one of the pills. 

Very observant, Alexia then asks:

"The team hold a party yesterday, uh?"

I nod, embarrassed.

"Yeah, I mean, it's not everyday since their captain wins best UEFA player" I comment, setting my jaw. 

"Teammate" Alexia immediately corrects me, setting her jaw, "I am their teammate before being their captain - it's only an honorific role."

Nodding my head, I just feel it in my guts that she already hates me. 

Thankfully, Ana-Maria chooses this moment to walk out of her room, rubbing her eyes, before running toward Alexia and holding her close. As the pair starts talking about last night's ceremony, I disappear in my room, willing to teleport myself back to Boston. 


Get to know the players: The Team

THE PLAYERS SERIES : S.M. {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now