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Ona bursts into laughter.

"You met Alexia in your pajamas ? Man she's never gonna let you forget that - not while she's alive at least!"

"Well" I let out, bitter, "when I met her this morning she didn't seem to be the joking type."

Ona nods.

"Yeah, she's a tough shell to crack - hell, nobody managed to do just that yet, but you'll see, once you're around her more, you'll come to realize how funny and down to Earth she actually is" the brunette says, self-confident. 

Setting my jaw - I had a hard time believing those words given the coldness Alexia welcomed me with this morning - I just remain silent on the matter, following Ona onto the field for practice. Aitana and Mariona were already here, as their faces lit up when they saw up come closer. 

The training session was quite harsh, as were the latest ones: the physicality and competitive spirit of this team was something else, and although I was supposed to be used to such an atmosphere with the USWNT given our n°1 FIFA ranking and our reputation, I must admit I am quite struggling. 

Near the end of training, I spot Alexia walking around the field, looking at the rest of the team with both envy and curiosity. At some point, our eyes meet, but I immediately look away, not willing to try and get along with her for now, as we seem to have nothing in common. At the end of training, though, head coach Jonatan Giráldez makes us gather near him and Alexia, as he seemed in a good mood. 

After a while, he declares:

"We got the news this morning, but the club has acquired the rights of a new player, playing in the left-wing defensive position. Contract is about to be finalized, but I wanted you to be the first to know that Lucy Bronze is now a Barça player!"

Exclamations of all kinds can be heard through the group of players, but my reaction must be the loudest, as I gasp: Lucy ? Here, in Barcelona? Everything is turning 300% inside my mind: why didn't she tell me? What about playing with Kristie in the U.S.? Did something happen? What about their engagement? Starting to freak out, I have to get over it quickly because my moods have attracted the attention of several people already, and I didn't want for them to ask questions. 

Of course moving to Barcelona was a smart career move for Lucy: while the U.S. league has been the best of the world for decades, their European counterparts have caught up with, if not surpassed. For instance, the English league has made tremendous progress, hence the Lionesses' success during the Euro this summer doesn't come out of the blue. The Spanish league, with the likes of Barcelona and Real Madrid, also provide top-tier quality teams that make other European clubs tremble during the Champions League games. 

Why didn't Kristie told me about that...? I wonder, confused. 

I am snapped out of my trance when everybody's eyes are now on me, while our coach repeats, frowning:

"What do you think about this signing, Mewis?" 

Regaining my spirits, I immediately say:

"I believe our left-wing is gonna be the best in the world now."

The other girls smile, content, but only one face remains serious : Alexia's. 

Either way, after the big announcement, I immediately go to my physio appointment - mandatory once a day to make sure our bodies are in good shape and to prevent any injuries from occurring - shaken up.


"What do you mean, you told her to leave?" I ask, hissing through the phone. 

I see my sister's face through the WhatsApp video call that was ongoing, and she just rolls her eyes, annoyed. 

"Sammy, it's fine: our relationship is strong enough to endure the distance! I wasn't about to let my fiancé get passed this amazing chance to be in the best club of Europe! Moreover, she can watch my little sis', make sure she doesn't behave like shit, you know."

"Bitch" I only comment, frowning, "and as much as I am thrilled to have my future sister-in-law playing with me here, you guys okay?"

"Never better, don't worry about that" Kristie honestly says, smirking. After a small silence, she adds: "How's it going for you?" 

I roll my eyes, fed up already. 

"Fine, I guess. My new teammates are warming up to me I think, except a few, but it's fine. We can't be loved by everybody, and I guess we're lucky enough to be loved by those we love, right?" 

"Is that some kind of cheap poetry citation, Samantha?" Kristie openly mocks me, as always. 

"No, but like, it's not as I expected, like, at all."

My sister nods her head, comprehensive. 

"Leave it time - once you've proven yourself, they're gonna adore you. I mean, except for your jokes, but..."

"Is that supposed to help me?" I ask, out of patience. 

"Oh, come on, Sammy! Don't be so damn dramatic. Now, I gotta go 'cause I only have two days left with Luce before she joins you in Spain. Adios, amiga!" 


Once my call end, I just sigh, frustrated. 

When I turn around, I realize I wasn't alone: Ana-Maria was waiting in the corner, her arms crossed against her chest. Shit, she heard me complaining, I immediately think to myself, terrified of what her reaction would be.

But when I walk up to her, she only declares:

"I know what you're going through, trust me, I've been here. What do you need?" 

I sigh again, responding with my heart:

"A freakin' break from everyone's expectations. I ain't no superwoman, and yes, I've won a World Cup, but I wasn't alone to do just that - there were 23 of us. So yeah, I'm not the signing everybody hoped for - I am not Lucy freakin' Bronze the Euro winner - but I'm here now, and I deserve to be here."

Ana-Maria nods.

"Alright, Champ, then how 'bout we go grab some coffee and Frido and I make you a tour of Barcelona's must-sees? I mean, you can't truly be a Barça player if you never visited this magnificent city. Let's go."

"Alright" I say, nodding my head. 

As I follow my two roommates through the city, I start to realize how lucky I am to be here, and how hard I was willing to fight to stay.


Get to know the players: Ana-Maria Crnogorčević

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