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You might still hate me from my time in Manchester with Kristie and Lucy. And, honestly, I don't blame you: I've been kind of a bitch, only to then realize Lucy wasn't my soulmate, far from it actually.

Ever since, I've redeemed myself by staying away from other people's businesses, and from romantic relationships as a whole. It's never been my thing, apart from Lucy, I mean. I was too dependent of the other, on a psychic level almost, and I had no hold against it, which was kind of annoying. I am jealous, sometimes a little bit possessive, but on the other hand I get bored easily.

As much as I would've wanted for it to remain that way, so that I wouldn't hurt anyone - someone else or myself, as a matter of fact - it all changed when she came into the picture. Never before have I been hooked on a gaze like that. When she looked at me for the first time, I forgot my own name, or lost the ability to speak.

It was like fire meeting water.

The other week, when I told Sam Mewis I didn't have feelings for Lucy anymore, and wouldn't try to be in their way because someone else was on my mind, I wasn't joking around. Only, she doesn't know about those deep and instant feelings that just burst out in my face. And, despite our many deep conversations, she never suspected anything about my true feelings for her.

And I had every intention on keeping it that way.

After Alexia got hurt, the whole squad was quite in shock: the UWCL season was about to resume, and we were in the middle of La Liga season, and we just lost our star and captain. This sucks, to be honest.

When I enter Aitana and Ona's apartment - who were roommates - where the team party was held in order to clear the air and change everybody's minds, including Alexia's, I almost choke on my saliva: Kristie Mewis is here with her sister, as well as Lucy. The blonde immediately fire a deadly look toward me.

Alright, K, time to make amends, I think to myself, willing to disappear right now.

"Hi" I say, while Lucy looked quite surprised I'd have the audacity to approach them. "So, I've been a bitch, and since I've already apologized to Lucy, I have to apologize to you now, Kristie. I'm sorry I've been behaving so badly with you while we were in Manchester together. I realize now how creepy I've been, and regret it."

Kristie raises her eyebrows.

"Mh" she then lets out, sassy, "I guess we all go a little crazy sometimes. It's fine - it's gone past us now."

From the corner of my eyes, I see her approach, as if she's listened into the conversation.

"Cool" I urgently say, before rushing away from them.

I can't be near her, otherwise everyone will know I am crushing on her, I repeat to myself over and over again.

As I walk outside, I sense someone following me, and my biggest fear came true when I hear a familiar voice say:

"Keira, wait up!"

Shit. Shit. Shit. I know you're a lesbian, but please don't panic, I tell myself, abruptly stopping. I then turn around and display my best fake smile, exclaiming:

"Abby. Hi!"

So, you might be wondering how I, Keira Walsh, beyond pale British gal with many stress increases and freak out sessions, fell in love with USA's perfect cliché cheerleader Abby Dahlkemper, right? Although she's married to some boy that looks like he could be her brother and used to have feelings for my former nemesis' sister?

That's the thing: I. DON'T. KNOW. and, mostly, I. DON'T. UNDERSTAND.

But when I look at her, I may think it's because of her clear almond-green eyes, the way she scratches the back of her right arm when she's nervous, or the unique way she laughs at my jokes, or a million other things. Of course I've been out for a long time, but never before have I been gay for someone like that. You know what I mean?

The blonde in front of me just frowns.

"Hey. I haven't seen you around recently - apart from training, I mean" Abby carefully starts, raising her eyebrows. "Everything okay?"

"Y-yeah, everything is soooooo good, y'know? Like, I've been to the supermarket this morning and bought some oranges - yes, yes, one might think it's too early in the season for that, but damn they were good! So I took it as a sign that my day was going to be sooooo great, although my ex-girlfriend/fiancé brought her new fiancé and they are getting married soon, you know?"

Abby's eyes go wide, as her confusion shows.

Of course I didn't give a damn about Lucy and Kristie, I'm over the first one, while she second one isn't my nemesis anymore, but I couldn't risk Abby suspecting anything.

The latter just reacts by saying:

"Um, okay... I'm glad your oranges were good."

I have a nervous laughter, before asking:

"W-what about, erm, you?"

Stop stammering, you sound like a child asking for chocolate although they have diabetes, I think to myself, willing to bang my head against any wall right now.

Setting her jaw, Abby just responds:

"I'm just... Things have been weird lately, between Aaron and I."

"Oh, no, what happened?"

Abby sighs.

"It's just... distance is complicated, you know, but look at Lucy and Kristie: if you truly love the person then we should make it work, together, right? But the other day, I just told him about the phase when I was in love with Sarm, and he reacted badly, telling me I've been cheating on him with her, that I was still in love with her, and so on..."

"Are you?" I ask in a hurry, before clearing my tone and asking in a more chill tone, "still in love with her, I mean?"

There is a heavy and meaningful silence, before she responds:

"Yes. I mean, a part of me will always be. But she's with Alexia now I guess, and I need to figure things out for myself from now on."

My heart breaks a little, as I nod my head and pretend that somebody is calling me in order to leave her and isolate myself.

Love is a bitch, I think to myself, setting my jaw.


Get to know the players: Keira Walsh (one of my faves <3)

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