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8 pm.

My heart is racing in my chest. Funny how someone you don't know can become so important in six months, I think to myself, nervous. I don't know how or why she's also interested in me, but let's hope I don't ruin this and make her run away.

I ring the doorbell, taking deep breaths.

When the door opens, I crack a smile: Alexia was here, in pretty nice and casual clothes, her bright hazel eyes staring at me nervously. Funny how everybody else know her as this badass that takes no prisoners and doesn't succumb to stress, but I get to see her as close to a mental breakdown than I am, I immediately think, even more attracted to her right now.

She renders it well, inviting me inside by opening the door wider.

"Are you okay?" she asks, while hanging my jacket, "since this afternoon, I mean?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say, honest, "you?"

She nods her head, puzzled.

"Just a few problems with the national team, but overall I'm good, too. I am a terrible cook, so I figured it would be better for me to order sushis - my treat. I hope you like it?"

"I love it, yes."

"Cool - and then, drinks, I thought you'd be more of a white wine person. Am I wrong?"

"No, you're not" I respond, amused. "Sounds like you know me pretty well already."

She smirks, while we sit down across from each other. She pours each of us a glass of wine, before we clinch our glasses together.

While I take the first sip, Alexia goes on :

"I've been meaning to thank you. For when my sister was at the hospital, I mean - I received your flowers, and your support really helped me get through this phase."

"How is she, by the way?"

"She's better, I managed to convince her to go to a rehab center this time - she should be out in a couple weeks or months if all goes well."

"I am glad." As a small silence was establishing itself between us, I quickly add: "So, in other news, I signed the divorce papers. The other day, I mean."

Taken by surprise, Alexia manages to awkwardly say:

"Well... congrats, I guess?"

I burst into laughter, while her melodic laugh joins mine.

"You know, I really think I made the right choice - he wasn't the one."

"I am glad you chose yourself first - and it's also pretty cool for other reasons."

"Such as?"

"Well, if you still were married, I couldn't do that."

She gets up from her hair, before walking around the table, and ultimately sitting down on my lap. She softly caresses my jaw, looking at me with sensuality, before leaning in and softly capturing my lips within hers.

I moan in surprise, while my hands find their way on her back, caressing it slowly. After a few seconds of kissing me with sensuality, she just leans back a few inches, looking right into my eyes.

Slightly blushing, I end up whispering.

"Pretty cool indeed."

"Right?" Alexia inquires, laughing softly.

As she is about to get up, I hold her down, before pulling her toward me and kissing her again, this time with the tongue.

Pulling away once more but after more time this time, she smirks.

THE PLAYERS SERIES : S.M. {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now