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Alexia drives us straight to the main city's hospital without saying a single word. During the drive, I tried to enhance contact, but it didn't work, as she wouldn't return my glances. She was doing it on purpose, and somehow I knew this was bad news.

Both our phones have been ringing since we left the training center, as we were supposed to be training at the moment. When I picked up the phone, I covered for Alexia, pretending that I had an urgent family issue to deal with and that the captain was kind enough to accompany me. Although she did not show any visible sign, I know she really liked that I did that.

Once we get to the hospital, we go straight in the fifth floor - dealing with addictions urgencies - and, before we enter on room 505, Alexia just turns toward me and says in a low voice:

"If this is too much for you, you can step outside and-"

But instead of running away, I just reach for her hand, grabbing it with confidence: she needed someone right now, and although I was trying to fight it, I wanted that someone to be me, because I cared for her so much.

Nodding her head, she then squeezes my hand as we both step inside the room.

Her sister, Alba, is lying down on an hospital bed, connected to as many wires as one could count, with bags of blood and other liquids of different colors suspended over her head. The monitoring machines were indicating a weak heartbeat, while her eyes were closed. Quite immediately, I look at her arms, and it is here: the sign of sting, the red area...

Although I understood right away, when Alexia talks, I listen carefully:

"They found her in the streets this morning - almost overdosed, but they got to her right in time. I feel like a shitty sister, because not only wasn't I here for her and I didn't see any of it coming, but also I've been too absorbed with all the Spain WNT drama to even respond to the unknown numbers calling me to tell me she almost died."

From the sound of her voice, I could hear how terrified and mad at herself she was. Setting my jaw, I just grab her shoulder, making her look at me in the eyes.

Ignoring the spark between us, I seriously say:

"Alexia, you couldn't have known. She was doing better ; you can't control her choices."

Sighing, the brunette declares, breaking the contact:

"And worst part is that, on top of all that, I've been absorbed by something else, something that would just take over my whole mind at any given second in every since day."

She can't be talking about me.

"What do you mean?" I ask, lost.

"Mewis, please" Alexia lets out, turning toward me fully this time, "don't play stupid."

That exact moment, the door opens, as Mapi, Irene, Ona, Jana, Sandra, Mariona and Aitana enter the room, visibly on the verge of exploding. I see Alexia's eyes going wide, as she just stares at them, in shock.

Quite immediately, Sandra says in Spanish:

"Tuve que decirles: estamos preocupados por ti, Ale. Lo siento." {English: I had to tell them, Ale. We've all been so worried for you.}

"¿En qué estabas pensando? ¿Ocultándonos esto? Hemos sido hermanas durante tantos años, y me rompe el corazón que no te sientas segura para contarnos algo tan importante..." Mapi starts, before turning toward me and adding: "¿Qué hace ella aquí, Mewis?" {English: What were you thinking? Hiding this from us? We've been sisters for so many years, and it breaks my heart that you don't feel safe talking to us about something so important... What is Mewis doing here?}

THE PLAYERS SERIES : S.M. {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now