Chapter 1

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Please keep in mind that English is not my first language. And this book will most likely have manga spoilers. So I advise you to read it before reading this book.

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Current age:11

"Nee-San!!" 5-year-old Tanjiro called out to you with his poor pronunciation skills. "Yes, Tanjiro?" You asked as you were cleaning shelves. "Look me!!" He exclaimed holding a twig like it was a sword. 

He swung the 'sword' carelessly and fell on his butt. "Ow." He muttered in pain. "Here." You said getting him back on his feet. "You will do better next time! So don't feel bad that you failed!" You encouraged him and his tearful expression was then replaced with a wide smile. "Okay!" He said with a smile that could blind anyone with it. You couldn't help but pat his small head with a small smile.

"(Name)!" Kie called out from another room. "Would you mind bringing a gallon of water? It's almost finished." She said. "Yes, Oka-San!" You replied. "Sorry, Tanjiro but I have some chores waiting to be done." You said as he pouted in response. "But we will play for the rest of the day. How does that sound?" You said. "Hai!" He yelled.

You were about to leave till you felt a weight on your waist. "(Name)? Oh. I told you before not to disturb your sister, Nezuko, Tanjiro?" She scolded. "We go Nee-San!" Both of them exclaimed and wouldn't leave your side.

"I can go with them then," Tanjuro said as he picked up Nezuko. 

Kie sighed as she knew where this would be going so she gave up before she can protest.

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"Make sure not to go away kids," Kie said as she carried 2-year-old fast asleep Takeo. "Hai!" Three of you said. 

"Nezuko missing," Tanjiro said as he kept tugging your haori. "Nezuko?" Your eyes went wide with what he said. You stopped walking and start to look around in the woods. "Go with Oka-San and Otousan." You said to him who nodded to your words and ran toward them. 

"Nezuko!!" You yelled searching through the forest. 

"NEE-SAN!!" She yelled. 


"NEE-SAN!" She kept yelling. You ran toward the sound as fast as you could. The moment you reached there, you saw a huge bear cornering Nezuko who was on the end of a cliff. 

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