Chapter 8

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Recap of the last chapter:

"Watch her how she will beat us quickly," Sabito muttered as Giyuu nodded silently. "What was that?" You asked.

"Nothing." He replied.

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The next day came around with the sun still waiting for its turn to shine

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The next day came around with the sun still waiting for its turn to shine. The mountain would be completely dark for the naked eye to see its surroundings at that time. A perfect condition to train future swordsmen who wish to join the organization and eliminate demons.

You followed after Urokodaki in the mountain till he left you alone again. You then start to go down the hill trying to avoid the traps and trying not to reach late.

You start to run down and then immediately spot a rope just slightly tied above the ground. 'I won't fall for them again.' You thought and jumped over it just to land on another rope for you to get your foot tied and get hanged upside down.

"I can't believe this."

You somehow made it out and continued to run down the path while dodging a few traps and falling for most receiving scratches while doing so.

The moment you reached the foot of the mountain, you were assigned another training to do.

"Swing this wooden sword five hundred times," Urokodaki said tossing it to you as you caught it with a shocked expression.

You did what you were told to do and completed it. But your arms went numb and your shoulders were aching as if they have lifted a large boulder but in reality, you were swinging a mere and light wooden sword for hours.

As you were about to leave and inform Urokodaki, he was already there. "Swing it five hundred more." Your face paled. You were about to speak but he was then nowhere around.

"I have no choice I guess." You sighed going back to swing the sword.

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The sun has set down the horizon so your training is dismissed. You are currently sitting on your futon with Sabito and Giyuu by your side seated on their futons.

"And then he got distracted by a butterfly and then I took the chance to strike!" Giyuu was talking about his day as you silently listened and Sabito was leaning his head on your shoulder.

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