Chapter 17

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Recap of the last chapter:

"You can't catch us, Nee-San!" The voice of two children laughed.

"Oh yes, I can little fox!" Another one laughed chasing them playfully.

"Help us Ka-San!" They called out struggling to stop laughing.

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Your eyes opened just to get greeted by weight on you

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Your eyes opened just to get greeted by weight on you. You carefully glanced down to see Giyuu latched onto you. And by your side, Sabito's arm was wrapped around you.

Upon sensing your littlest movements, Sabito slowly woke up. "You're awake?" He yawned. You nodded in response.

"Yesterday was so eventful." You remarked as a small smile crept on your face. "It was." He agreed.

"What do you want to do today?" You asked. "Cuddles," Sabito responded as he wrapped his arms around you.

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The rest of the days went with spending time with each other. It was the usual thing to do. Hang out near the waterfalls, star gaze, play, and whatnot.

But beautiful moments have to stop one day, right?

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You were sitting in front of the house, waiting for your sword. It was early in the morning meaning that Sabito and Giyuu are still asleep.

You wore your cloak and the mask for a reason.



The sound of the bells rang through your ears and you immediately snapped out of your thoughts. You looked to the owner to find a man with thin luggage tied to his back wearing a clown mask.

You bowed in respect to the unknown man as he reached the door of the house. "Is (name) here?" He asked. You raised your hand and pointed your index finger at yourself. "Are you (name)?" He asked to which you responded with a quick nod.

You opened the door inviting him in. But inside, you saw Sabito and Giyuu waiting. You were surprised since you saw them sleeping without any care for the world.

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