Chapter 38

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Recap of the last chapter:

"Tanjiro that's enough!" You stepped in.

"Well, I see you have some fun brewing up here." Entered the albino latter with his sword in his right hand and his left hand with a small wooden box, placed above his palm.

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Giyuu side-eyed the wild chihuahua (I'm sorry

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Giyuu side-eyed the wild chihuahua (I'm sorry.) as Sanemi Shinazugawa stood there with a grin plastered on his face.

"Is it that moron slayer that had this demon?" He enquired and Tanjiro gasped in shock.

"What kind of stunt are you trying to pull here?" He was already intimidating enough with his eyebrowless face and huge eyes, and his scars added extra spice to make demon shit bricks 💖

'Shinazugawa-San! You gained even more gorgeous scars!' Mitsuri simped as she looked at the wild albino with admiration.

A kakushi tried to stop him and pleading him to keep the box down as you stared at the small choas with a frown. You could step forward and stop him but were also skeptical that you may get punished- What the hell! You SHOULD step in. They're your siblings after all.

Shinobu got up and you noticed her demeanor was calm. 'She might be suppressing her anger.' You thought.

"Shinazugawa-San, please do not act out of the line." She warned him but it fell to a pair of deaf ears. "What did you say about the demon, boy? That she can fight as a demon slayer and protect humans?"

Now you were sure as hell he would do something to them...

"You know what we call that..." Sanemi's hand grabbed the hilt of his blade and you acted up.

"A total delusion!" Before he could stab any of your siblings, you jumped on him, pinning him down on the gravel.

"Who- Get off before-" Now you snatched the box from his hand, got off him, and kneeled to Tanjiro. You were quite angry at Tanjiro, but mostly at yourself.

"Are you okay Tanjiro?" You asked, with a soft voice as you toned down the irritation at that wind hashira.

The people there were taken aback by what you did and everyone knows that they shouldn't mess with a wind hashira. The kakushi there fled the area and Sanemi looked extremely furious.

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