Chapter 35

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Recap of the chapter:

"Forget that and now let's enjoy the time while Nee-San is still here!" Nezuko enthusiastically spoke grabbing your hand and dragging you back home.

"Calm down Nezuko!" You laughed following her while Kie followed behind.

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As you entered the house, your gaze immediately fell upon the recognizable figure lounging on his futon, calmly savoring his tea

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As you entered the house, your gaze immediately fell upon the recognizable figure lounging on his futon, calmly savoring his tea.

"Tou-San!" You exclaimed with happiness.

He glanced at you puzzled, but soon his face lit up with surprise and he smiled warmly. It seemed like he had been waiting for you, despite years having passed since your last encounter.

Running up to him, you gently hugged him but soon broke down again. He gently wrapped his frail arms around you and patted your back.

"Welcome back, (Name)." He gently spoke while you sobbed uncontrollably due to the nostalgia and strong emotions hitting you all at once. Nezuko, watching the scene with Kie, came rushing and joined the hug in tears.

Even though she doesn't remember much, the emotions were strong and she missed you dearly along with your parents.

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(I'm awkward when it comes to family group help.-)

Narrating the whole incident in your absence, you could feel the worry radiating off from your parents while Nezuko was scared for you. But after explaining that you can protect yourself, your parents were relieved and now you are talking with Nezuko.

"And guess what! I'm in the highest rank in the organization! So it means I can beat any demons!" You proudly exclaimed as you showed off the golden button on your uniform. "And one of my comrades customized my kitsune mask!" Nezuko's eyes brightened up in awe the moment her eyes landed on the mask you pulled out.

You have successfully shifted the atmosphere! That's a win for you.

While staring at the mask, she took the mask from your hands carefully and wore it herself. She looked quite silly wearing a big mask on her face while you giggled at her reaction. She took off the mask and pouted.

"CAW CAW!! (NAME)!! LEAVE THE AREA QUICKLY!! EMPEROR'S SOLDIERS ARE ON THEIR WAY!!" Your crow, Chiko cawed which made you cringe from sudden yellings. Your eyes widened and got up as Nezuko got up along with you. She was scared and worried about what was happening.

Rushing around to put on the cloak and mask, you gave your sister one last hug and ran out. You couldn't risk your family's lives.

You never would no matter how powerful you have grown. Risking their lives feels wrong, so you would keep them safe at any cost.

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"Yes?" Kie answered the door when the guards knocked.

"Have you seen a person with a mask around?" One of them asked. Kie frowned at their question and immediately answered with a no. She knew...

She knew who were they and for what they were here...

"Would you mind telling me for what reason are you chasing that person?"

That question that slipped from her lips made the guards stop for a moment... Okay, that was new for them. No one questioned the reason and no one knew why was the young girl being chased across the country. Revealing the truth would only bring the immediate chaos with it and the emperor would not like the surprise visit from the whole nation erupting his kingdom in huge flames so they have to keep quiet from the public.

The team leader was being glanced at by his members and he knew he had to bring up a convincing reason. But.. he had to make a convincing reason now. The voice in his throat was sore and he was unable to utter a word from the shock of the situation.

Kie knew. She knew in this overwhelming silence coming from the guards.

"Sh-she betrayed the emperor... And runaway so.. we are chasing the betrayer." The leader's face was drenched in sweat which seemed unnatural in the gusty wind of autumn.

Kie just smiled to avoid attention. "Is that so? I'm curious if the emperor overwhelmed her." She spoke with that smile as the guards were still standing there nervous.

The leader nodded as they went on with the chase.

You were nowhere near that lovely town in the hope of getting the guards away from the family and Kie did the part of her job to protect the rest of your family. You couldn't be more thankful for her.

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Reaching your estate, you slammed the door shut as you abruptly stormed to the room... The room of your hunt, as you think of it.

You stared angrily at the huge map spread on the huge table, cross marks everywhere indicating the locations you have searched. You had the perfect chance to get yourself captured but your family... You can't risk their lives now, can you?

Lifting up the red-inked pen, you harshly drew two strokes lapping over each other over the town you have finally visited.

Viens of anger were bulging out of the skin of your pale hands and your pupils trembling from the amount of anger raging within you. Your hand was gripping the pen a bit too tight and almost about to break from the pressure.

You grunted as you threw the pen across the room and rested your head over the palms of your hand, defeated one more time.

Warm tears were soon prickling from the corner of your eyes and soon you were broke to a sobbing mess. If only... if only the emperor didn't exist... If only Muzan never existed... You would've been living happily with your family, with no worries and fears of the blood-lusting demons hunting through the darkness of the night. If only...

Those dreams were futile and useless since time passed and there's nothing to do but to move on. Your family is still alive after all and you could have the chance to live happily right?!

Let's just hope the future brings us fortune instead of more grief and tears.

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Plz don't kill me for my disappearance but anyways

ty for sticking with me so far yall are my fav and I will try to publish more since writing the climax is giving me motivation ;-;

Also I'm posting on Pinterest plz laugh at my silly whispers (I'm not even funny but anyways)
the account is: Pumpkin 321xxx / (with that symbol use in emails idk wattpad is being weird I can't add it)Pumpkin31xxx


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