Chapter 16

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Recap of the last chapter:

"We should leave now. As you got up, you said, "Let's go." "Okay." Both of them agreed and walked back home with you.

"Let's go to the town today!" Giyuu yelled in excitement.

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"I mean... I suddenly feel a burst of energy right now." You said. "Same..." Sabito said after.

"Then we can go right now," Giyuu said. "Let me get my things before we leave." You told them.

You quickly ran home to get the cloak and the kitsune mask. The weather is cold so you also took two haori for Giyuu and Sabito so they won't shiver in the cold. After covering yourself, you ran back as fast as possible to the duo.

"Let's go!" Giyuu exclaimed as soon as he saw you.

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Three of you walked through the large fields. The fields were empty since it was winter. The sun was out but its heat did not wipe out the chilly and cold atmosphere.

"If I am correct, then a small festival is held in the town," Sabito stated. "If that's the case then we can have more fun!" Giyuu said excitedly.

Festival. That word made you curious and excited. But you were worried. What if the guards were on the lookout for you? What if this is the last day in this world? You were scared of what might happen to your family.

Sabito sensed your silence was unusual so he asked. "Are you alright, (name)?"

You nodded reassuringly with a slight hum. He then grabbed your hand and spoke again. "Are you worried that the stupid guards will catch you?" Your body stiffened as you stopped in your tracks with your eyes widened at his words.

"Don't worry. The town's head won't allow them to enter since they know we will be there." He said flashing you a warm smile. "And even if they enter, we will escape like last time." Giyuu joined in.

"Thank you, both of you. It's time for a group hug now!" You exclaimed with your arms wide open. Sabito quickly hugged you followed by Giyuu.

As you tightened the hug you hummed, "Let's stay like this since it feels good."


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