Chapter 7

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Recap of the last chapter:

"I will cut off your tongues if you do that again." You said glaring at them. They immediately stopped and nodded a bit scared of you being angry.

"Back to bed!" Urokodaki said from the other side of the room.

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The next day has come, and today is your first training day

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The next day has come, and today is your first training day. You woke up a bit earlier than your usual body clock and got ready for the activity. You decided not to wear the usual kimono since it won't let you move your body freely so you wore your kimono tugged inside your hakama.

(Just get the idea of the outfit shown below since it's easier to move in them)

(Just get the idea of the outfit shown below since it's easier to move in them)

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Outside was still dark since the sun haven't peeked from the horizon.

You were waiting for Urokodaki in the main room now. A few minutes went and then he showed up. "Follow me." He said and then left.

You followed after him and climbed the mountain. The air was thinner than back in your home making you a bit dizzy. Urokodaki stopped walking making you stop as well.

"Pass through this path and make sure to come back before noon." He said and disappeared out of the sight leaving a small gush of wind behind.

You slowly got a full view of the path. It was a simple dirt road that leads you down the mountain. 'This is easy.' You thought proudly. Only if you knew what this path prepared for you.

You already held a proud face and started to run down the path. Not a minute passes by and you already fell for the traps.

Your foot got caught in a rope making you stumble on your feet till you sensed some logs were thrown in your direction. Your purple eyes went wide and then ran away to dodge them but fell to a pit.

"Ack!" You fell on your back knocking the air out of your lungs harshly. "Ouch ouch ouch." You whimpered in pain when trying to stand up.

'Damn. These traps are everywhere!' You thought getting out of the small hole and continuing running.

And that's how everything went. You fell for every trap while running down the road. You got covered in purple and blue bruises with scratches all over you. Your hair was a mess, same with your kimono.

You exhaustedly reached the foot of the mountain by the time it was about to be noon. You soon spotted Urokodaki sitting in front of his house waiting. 

"I... I made it!" You muttered out loud before falling to the ground as your consciousness slipped away.

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Your eyelids opened slowly revealing your purple orbs. You slowly sat up confused for a moment till everything flashed through your head. You got out of your futon and went to the main room. You saw Sabito and Giyuu bickering as usual until they stopped when they noticed your presence. 

You walked over to them and took a seat beside them. "Say. What happened after I passed out?" You asked. "Nothing in particular. Just normal tending stuff after training." Sabito replied.

"And he was staring at you while you were out" Giyuu was interrupted with Sabito holding his mouth to not utter any other word. "Hm?" You tilted your head confused.

"Mhmm!!" Giyuu's screams were muffled thanks to Sabito's hand covering his mouth. "Now. Let him go Sabito." You said patting his shoulder.

"No! He will keep on telling you crazy stuff!" He defended not glancing at you.


"I told you-" He stopped talking after turning toward your direction only to meet your eyes silently glaring at his soul. "I will do as you say." He said with a nervous laugh and let go of Giyuu.

"Meanie." Giyuu pouted as he sulked.

"I shall remind you not to bully him Sabito. So do not bully Giyuu." You said. "Understand?" He nodded his head vigorously.

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"I accept you as my student. So get ready for tomorrow since you will require energy to train." He said as he served you all dinner.

"So that means I have to work hard from tomorrow. Alright!" You said as waves of determination came to you.

"Then can she train with us tomorrow?" Giyuu asked.

"Not tomorrow. But she will once she moves to another phase." He replied.

"Watch her how she will beat us quickly," Sabito muttered as Giyuu nodded silently. "What was that?" You asked.

"Nothing." He replied.

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I had it pretty rough inside my head since I have many ideas that I wish to add here (and I might do that) but since there was nothing for me to write on, I had to just wait

And sorry for this short chapter as I currently don't know what else to add here but I have hopes for future chapters

And as always~

Have a great day/night! <333

(Words: 826)

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