Chapter 29

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Recap of the last chapter:

"Forgetting the event, let's return to the estate." She said softly holding your hand and taking you away from the place that was a battlefield a few moments ago.

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Age: 15

The sun rose above the horizon and shined brightly as the morning birds flew around chirping and searching for food to fill their empty stomachs with food.

The sunrise today felt different. Maybe it felt that way since you got company after so long that it made you tear up a bit. Kanae gave a glance and then went to the sunrise once you whispered that you were just getting emotional.

Kanae led you through the path and as soon as you were about to ask something, Kanae announced that the mansion is just near.

You soon spotted a village

"We're here!" Kanae announced as she stopped by a vast open gate. She went in first then you followed after she felt a bit nervous.

Walking through the path, You admired the beautiful garden as the butterflies fluttered around. "Like it?" Kanae chuckled at your reaction.

"I love it." You whispered in awe. Walking through, you and Kanae reached the mansion. She took you inside and introduced you to others.

"Who is that, nee-san?" A short girl asked. "Good morning Shinobu! This is Kamado(Name), my new friend." Kanae replied.

"Nice to meet you." You bowed. "She will live with us since she has nowhere to go," Kanae explained to which Shinobu gave the nod. "Fine. I'm having a mission so see you later, bye nee-San." She said and left.

"Bye-bye!" She and you waved. "Let me take you to a room so you can rest!" She exclaimed. You followed her and she brought you to a room.

 Resting her hand on the doorknob, she twisted it opening the door and leading to a simple room. "See you later then!" She waved and left you alone in the room.

You let out a tired sigh and walked to your bed. You plopped yourself on it and went to deep slumber. After a long time, a relaxing sleep.

Your body felt light and you looked around to see your younger self having a nice time with Tanjiro.

"Stop running around Tanjiro!" You wined as he giggled.

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