Chapter 36

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Recap of the chapter:

Those dreams were futile and useless since time passed and there's nothing to do but to move on. Your family is still alive after all and you could have the chance to live happily right?!

Let's hope the future brings us fortune instead of more grief and tears.

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You were sent on a mission and it was rather in an unusual spot

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You were sent on a mission and it was rather in an unusual spot. Why the frozen river in the mountains?

You didn't question anything and followed your crow, Chiko, to the mission site. It was freezing and you couldn't be more thankful for the card Sabito stitched for you that kept you warm.

This feels.. odd.

You couldn't describe how strange this mission sounds. A frozen river in the mountains? What kind of demon are you going to fight now? Probably a mermaid who lures men and kills them-

Who knows the myth might be true but you should assume things that quickly. You haven't even started reading the book of this bizarre mission.

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"Are we there yet?!" You yelled out the empty pathway at poor Chiko who you assume got confused while leading you to the mission sight unheard of throughout Japan, even with you traveling the whole country.

"Not yet!" He yelled back as he flew higher to check the area. A sudden realization hit him and he immediately dived down to you while you were confused af.

The sun has sunk to the horizon moments before you reach the river. It was cold; your hands were as cold as a corpse. Not wasting a moment and you started to investigate the site.

"This sucks..." You muttered as your arms instinctively crossed over each other and your hands rubbing the upper arm while you shivered. The months of winter were close and so was your birthday. Oh, wait. Which birthday...?

Probably 18th or 19th birthday. Did time pass by like a gentle whirling of wind in autumn? You felt sad that you couldn't stay with your family last autumn.

You suddenly felt a strong grip pull you down to the cold river not giving you time to breathe. Water and darkness surrounded you and the figure below but the aura emitted that it was a demon.

Pulling out the blade you immediately aimed for its arm to free you. The force has chased the demon away as you took time to swim up to the surface and cough out breath.

You calmed down and took a few deep breaths until the demon jumped at you which in response you immediately aimed at its head, which you missed due to the water surrounding you.

You looked around in the dark foggy atmosphere for a land to stand on and fight but the misty fog was being mean and covered the whole area.

Suddenly something pulled you back down to the suffocating ice water. You didn't even have to think it was the demon but then again in front of your face appeared the same demon who was coldly staring back at your slowly light-fading violet eyes. It was using the demon blood art to drag you down, you assumed.

You were running out of air, do something and quickly!

You lifted your now heavy sword in the dense water and swung the sword directly aiming at its head and it didn't see this coming due to your enhanced speed as a hashira.

"Water breathing, sixth form; Whirpool."

The demon's head was cut off from its body and it quickly disintegrated along with the blood demon art technique that was pulling you down to your death. You swam back to the surface and gasped for the air with continued coughs. Your half-lidded eyes opened up to see the mist disappearing along with the temperature of water gradually increasing to warm temperature.

You swam back to the shore and sat there to take a rest for at least five minutes.

Not a moment later you felt the soft glow illuminating from the ground and yourself too. 'The sun is rising.' You thought, looking up to meet the softest and merciful light of early morning, a sight you always cherish.

And mercy from God to chase the demons away from humans and force them to hide in the cold darkness and away from the loving warmth of daylight.

"CAW!! CAW!!" You heard Chiko and you looked up to see Chiko flying toward you. "You have been assigned to patrol a huge town, (Name)! The town close by this mountain at North-West!" He announced and flew off leaving you alone with your thoughts in the middle of this mountain.

You were looking up to the sky for a few moments with a nostalgic and sad look and soon snapped out of it.

Now you're on your way to patrol a village, how fun to finally meet people!

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