Chapter 11

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Recap of the last chapter:

"You are scary when angry (name)." Sabito pouted.

"Well, she is a perfect wife and a mother. She can scold both the husband and her kid." Giyuu said. "And I prefer her scolding you every day since you always bully me."

"Do you want another lecture for not going to bed?" You spoke.

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Your eyelids fluttered and soon, you woke up from sleep

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Your eyelids fluttered and soon, you woke up from sleep. You sat up on your futon to see two other futons neatly in the corner. 'They are out training.' You assumed and stood up.

You folded up your futon and kept it with others in the corner.

You came out of the room to see Sabito sewing a random cloth.

"Aren't you training today, Sabito?" You asked as you sat before him.

"No. I asked for a day off and Sensei agreed to it." He replied while focusing on the cloth. You look at the way he sewed. When did he learn how to sew? Well, you knew the answer already. It's kinda obvious since he trains and might have torn his cloth so he learned the basics. But why was he sewing? You might never know.

'I guess it's me and Giyuu for now.' You thought. "Well then. I'm going to train Giyuu." You said as you stood up and then went out in search of him.

(***Time skip***)

It was nighttime already so all of you went to sleep except for Sabito. He continued to sew for the whole day.

'I hope she likes this.' He thought as he finished sewing the last two fabrics together. "Man it's tiring. But seeing her happy is worth all sacrifice." He whispered and then set the cloth hiding it somewhere. He went to the room and took out his futon and set it down then went back to sleep. Not to forget, it was probably midnight he went to bed.

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Next day

You folded up your futon neatly and placed it in the corner. As you were about to leave, you saw Sabito still sleeping soundly. You approached his figure and saw dark circles under his eyes. 'He might have been up for a night. I guess he can take rest.' You thought.

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