Chapter 30

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Recap of the last chapter:

"Who is that person over there? The mask looks so bland, unflashy design choice man!" A voice complained and you snapped your head to see a tall muscular man there.

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'Eh? Who is that person

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'Eh? Who is that person... and why is he judging my mask?' You thought, dumbfounded. A crow with some jewels on spoke to him and the man then nodded with an 'I see'.

In distance, you found a giant man standing there praying. Soon, a man with a flame theme hair color came to the garden as well.

Idk about the hashiras of that time so I'll just add those three. Sorry :/

None of you exchange any words and standing next to the strongest of the warriors felt a bit nerve-racking because of the powerful aura surrounding them.

"The master has arrived." A young woman announced grasping the attention of everyone. The door slid open revealing the same man from before. You glanced at the Pillars to see them kneeling so you did the same.

"Good morning, dear children... I see the sky is a blessing for today's pillar meeting. Now, shall we commence our meeting for our new pillar?"

He could see at that time, I THINK

A second of silence passed and he took a breath to speak again. 

"A day ago, one of the children fought a lower moon bravely and didn't dare to go back. Luckily, the child was raised as a victor of the head-on-battle. So today, this very warrior of ours has raised to the highest of our force ranks and I hereby announce, (Name), to be a new water pillar of the demon slayer corps."

After he finished announcing, he wished you luck for the upcoming battles and left you all alone.

"Congratulations on your survival and raising to the ranks." You heard a deep voice speak and you turned your head toward the giant man. "Eh... Thank you." You awkwardly bowed.

"Flamboyant victory (Name)! But I'm still bothered by the mask you're wearing, young lady." He spoke turning his head and stroking his chin a bit disappointed. "I... I'll paint it today. Uh... don't worry... about it." You spoke nervously. "But how did you know I was a lady even though I spoke in falsetto?" You asked in your actual voice.

"Simple!" He exclaimed dramatically dragging the 'i'. "I can distinguish between the heartbeats of a female and a male! The female heart beats faster than a male so it is pretty easy for sensitive ears like mine to catch on!" He explained and you nodded. "I'm Uzui Tengen! God of Festivals and lights!!" He dramatically gestured.

You noticed the other two left which made you frown since you could introduce yourself to them and who knows, make some bonds before anyone might leave for the afterlife.

"What about those two?" You asked. "The giant! Himejima Gyomei, the strongest even among the pillars! The man with the flame theme, he's the flame pillar, Rengoku Shinjiro!" He said.

"I can't deal with the lame mask!! Let me take you to my estate and paint it flamboyantly!" He yelled suddenly sweeping off from your feet and carrying you on his shoulder.

"YA! CALM DOWN, UZUI-SAN!! IT'S NO BIG DEAL!!" You yelled trying to break free from his strong grip. "Bad fashion is a big deal and should be taken care of!!" He replied and you sighed hopelessly.

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"And done!" Tengen announced proudly after finishing his artwork. Honestly, it was pretty and you can say he has some blessed hands to do some magic tricks on anything and turn them into something beautiful.

"Woah! Pretty!" You gasped. It was so beautiful your eyes might fall off from staring at too much. "Of course it is pretty! It's made by me after all!" He spoke proudly of his artwork on a silly kitsune mask.

"By the way, why are you hiding your face with a burden of a mask? You are very well aware your beauty is like a magnet attracting men, right?" He says. "It's just... I'm chased by the emperor." You spoke a bit down.

"Are you some sort of criminal?" He asked, eyes dotted. "WHAT? NO!"

"I'm one of his escaped victims and he is after me. Well, he's the reason why I am away from my family." You spoke wrapping your arms around your knees. "I joined the slayer corps to finish him off, by myself."

"Hmm... Well! Everyone has their reasoning to join the slayer corps but your reason is somewhat different. I mean, hunting down the emperor... But I'll know you will do it!" He said and then a sound of a door breaking got your and Tengen's attention.

Your eyes immediately averted to the fully packed women. 'Holy! Hot women in the room.'

"TENGEN-SAMA!!" Cried a raven-headed to him as the woman with yellow bangs harshly yanked her away from him. "GEEZ! WHERE'S THE RESPECT?! CAN'T YOU SEE THERE'S A GUEST IN HERE?!!" She yelled.

"HINATSURU!!" She cried again wailing at the calm lady of the trio. You were watching dumbfounded and Tengen with an 'I'm done' face. "If the atmosphere were silent, I would've calmly introduced them to you. Anywho! Meet Hinatsuru!" He spoke as she bowed and sat with you. "The bully is Makio and the victim of Suma," Hinatsuru said.

They stopped surprisingly and sat quietly. "Who is this girl, Tengen-Sama?" Makio questioned. "The new water pillar." He replied. "A bit bland in fashion but she's a strong fellow!" He said harshly patting your back as in praise or sarcasm, you didn't know what.

"I'm (Name). Pleased to meet you all." You smiled. "Nice to meet you too! I'm Suma! Will you protect me from Makio?! She's a bully!" She cried clinging onto you. You can say the grip she has on you are almost crushing your bones.

"Hey! I'm not a bully but thanks to your stupid cries I have to deal with you! And get off her, you ill-mannered brat!" Makio yelled trying to pull her off.

"WAH!! SAVE ME FROM HER (NAME)!!" She yelled.

Hinatsuru and Tengen were watching the scene dumbfounded till Chiko came to the rescue.

"CAW!! CAW!!"

"GET TO THE SOUTH EAST VILLAGE, (NAME)!!" Your crow announced as you gave a nod. Suma gave you sad eyes but left you nonetheless. You picked up your sword and mask. "Sorry but I have to leave. It was fun talking with you." You said.

"It's alright. We can understand. Be safe." Hinatsuru waved. You gave a light bow and left the estate.

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