Chapter 12

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Recap of the last chapter:

"I came this far so I have to push further. So I can't stay back, Sabito." You said as he nodded understanding your words.

"Then can I meet your father when you are done with your goal?" He asked.

"Of course mister impatient." You chuckled.

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Age: 12

You woke, as usual, ready to train the boys or more like playing around but saw no one in the training grounds. "Huh?" You were confused since it was silent all over the place.

"I wonder where they are." You whispered out loud and continued to search for them. You looked around the mountain but did not find any trace of any living around.

You soon gave up on the long exhausting search. "I should head back." You said out loud and set off. You slowly walked through the woods.

The sounds of morning birds singing and some insects around with the scenery before you just made this morning calming. The leaves on trees had turned orangish since last month. They slowly fell off every passing second filling the ground with dried leaves.



You could hear those sounds below you the moment you stepped on the leaves—a satisfying sound for the ear to listen to. Squirrels were roaming around collecting food to survive the harsh winter including many other animals that hibernates in the snowy seasons.

There was light fog around since it was early in the morning. You suddenly got chills from the breeze that passed through.

"December is next month if I say." You whispered looking at the sky through trees as they almost covered the top view.

You soon saw the house from afar. You raced toward it and opened up the front door only for...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (NAME)!!" Sabito and Giyuu yelled. Your eyes were wide from surprise. "WE GOT PERMISSION TO TAKE YOU AROUND THE TOWN!!" Giyuu exclaimed.

"Huh? What?!" Your eyes widened even more. "But..."

"IN DISGUISE!!" He yelled shoving a kitsune mask at you and ran outside.

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