Chapter 23

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Recap of the last chapter:

You, again, harshly hit your back. You were feeling a bit dizzy due to the harsh impact just now. Thinking for a second, your eyes widened. 'Is.. is he using the blood demon art?!'

"It's useless, you know." He said with a cold glare. Slowly getting up with the support of the wall, you glared back through your mask.

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Once again picking up your sword, you charged at him after deeply inhaling the air

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Once again picking up your sword, you charged at him after deeply inhaling the air.

"Total concentration. Water breathing, fourth form; striking tide."

You quickly slashed his arms and aimed for his head to which his eyes widened but he quickly acted and backed away with the skin of his neck being slashed.

'Shit! I was done for!' He cursed glaring at you. He immediately charged the furniture to you.

"Total concentration. Water breathing, ninth form; Splashing water flow, turbulent!"

Taking shallow and fast footsteps toward the demon, the demon couldn't read your location. You reached him with your sword near his head.

He immediately acted and backed away. "Now I shall show you my moves, brat." He grinned.

"Blood demon art, pull of death."

Your eyes widened when your back hit the roof and flew beyond the inn within seconds. 'What?! How am I supposed to break my fall?! At such height!'

'Now that brat won't survive.' The demon thought with a smirk on his face. Little to be known to him, you had the plan to break the fall.

'Use one of the forms! Use it upon the impact!' You thought as you floated in the dark sky for a while. You could see the little lights from the town and down below throughout the inn.

"There's a surprise waiting for you~" He laughed as he harshly waved down his arms to activate his blood art.

A strong force once again pulled you down to earth. 'Use one of the forms!' You reminded your self raising your sword readily.

'Use the forms!'

The moment you got near the roof of the inn,

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