Chapter 27

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Recap of the last chapter:

Soon, you felt arms wrapping around your waist. You figured it was Giyuu so you wrapped your arms around him and snuggled closer. After all, he needs emotional comfort and you were right there. You also had it rough but you had to keep it to yourself and nurture the one who needs the help the most.

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Age: 13

Days passed with nursing sad Giyuu. The days soon turned to weeks. On the other hand, you did your best and it seems to have paid off, judging by how you see it. Giyuu's mental state improved but he didn't return to his bubbly personality which pained you.

Murata left when his and Giyuu's swords were delivered. Despite his stubborn refusal to leave, he was forced to go because he had missions to attend.

A day came when you came back to see him in his uniform. He was sitting down and sewing half of Sabito's clothes to his haori. "What are you doing, Giyuu?" You asked approaching him and taking a seat beside him.

"To preserve a memory, I'm sewing half of his clothes onto my haori." He replied. "Say... How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better. Why do you ask?"

"It must have been challenging for you too. And since you had to take care of me... you must have been forcing yourself to be strong just for my sake... I apologize for that." He spoke a bit softly.

Your lips parted in surprise as your eyes glistened with tears. "It... It's alright. It is my... my responsibility to help her friend... in difficult situations." You spoke with a heavy throat due to a lump forming in the back of your throat.

"I see... Thank you for understanding me... (Name)." Giyuu said as he grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the thread.

"Giyuu?" You called to which he hummed letting you know he heard it.

"Which demon... killed him?" You asked. "The morphed demon. Apparently, it lived since the Edo period." He reported.

"I see." You spoke lowering your head as your eyes were fixed on your lap. "And I lived without ever encountering it. I... lived... and let someone... die for my mistake. It doesn't take a genius to conclude that I... killed someone. And that someone is... my loved one." Your voice cracked as tears streamed down your eyes.

Giyuu glanced back at you with wide eyes. Seeing your vulnerable state, he wrapped his arms around you.

You returned the hug as you cried, regretting your mistake. Giyuu's heart ached from seeing you like that. After all, he thinks it was his fault for not being able to save his best friend and watch Sabito's lover cry for him.

He had no words to say that could comfort you in any way so he let you cry in his embrace. The room which was filled with light sobs and cries got quiet indicating that you have slept.

Giyuu's eyes which were duller than before glanced at you. "I'm sorry. I never intended for you to be upset. If it wasn't for me being weak, then Sabito would be here with us, or my sister, Tsutako nee-san being here." He whispered caressing the half-red haori that originally belonged to Tsutako before she was killed by a demon's rampage.

"It should have been me... who should die instead of them." Giyuu's voice cracked as his eyes spilled tears of grief and regret. With you losing someone because of him, his resentment got the best of him.

"It's best for me to leave and do things on my own rather than drag innocent people to death for my mistake." He whispered as he wiped the tears and got up. He covered you in a blanket and went to get his sword.

With one last glance, he left. As per his prediction, his kasugai crow was outside waiting for him.

"Where should I head to?"

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Your eyes ached when you tried to open so you gave up then your head throbbed from pain. Soon, the memories rushed back and you remembered you cried to sleep in Giyuu's arms.

You got up to see no one around. "Giyuu?" You called out but no response. You walked around calling out for him but he was nowhere to be found.

"CAW!! CAW!! Head to the northeast!! I repeat!! Head to the northeast!!" Chiko yelled as he entered through the window.

In reflex, you covered your face in a panic since you didn't wear the mask. "Why missions?" You asked.

"Tomioka Giyuu finally joined the missions indicating he is back to his health. You are done nursing him so go for the missions. You are still a demon slayer." Chiko announced.

The realization hit you on why you are here. You are a demon slayer who vowed to eradicate the emperor's existence including other demons.

"O... Okay." You spoke as you went to grab your mask and sword.

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Sorry for the short chapter dear readers ):


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