Chapter 5

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Recap of the last chapter:

"I think she will surpass us if she trains," Sabito whispered in Giyuu's ear. He nodded agreeing with what he said. "Did you say something?" You asked turning your head toward them. They shook their heads as no.

"No time to waste now! Let's go!" Giyuu exclaimed. Sabito rolled his eyes and you chuckled in response.

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You reached the city and it was huge

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You reached the city and it was huge. "How am I supposed to know where the library is?" You asked as your eyes were wide for how big the town is.

"I know where it is. Follow me!" Giyuu exclaimed as he grabbed your hand and ran through the street with Sabito chasing behind. People gave you three weird looks because you were wearing Kitsune masks.

"Now go and choose what books you need." Giyuu said handing you a white bag and you were surprised that you reached here already. You quietly accepted the bag and blended in with the people and the bookshelves.

You carefully inspected the books trying to find books on a specific thing you wanted.

'Nope. Where are they?' You got frustrated and about to give up but a sign hanging from the ceiling caught your attention.

*History of Rulings* the sign displayed.

You quietly rushed toward the aisle and searched through every one of them. The only books you took are the info on the Emperors starting from the  Edo period.

You went out of the aisle and searched for a counter so they can know that you borrowed some books. As you spotted one and were about to approach it, Sabito came barging into the library disturbing the silent atmosphere.

"(Name)! We have to leave!" He said grabbing your wrist and running out of the library.

"What's wrong?! And why did you yell in a library?!" You yelled as for you had no idea of what is happening around you.

"FOUND THEM!!" Some of the local policemen yelled and ran after you.

"Where is Giyuu?!" You yelled snatching your hand away and starting to run away with him.

"I'm here!" He yelled coming out of an alleyway and joining you two. "I know a perfect place to hide! We have to go to the forest here!" He yelled.

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