Chapter 2

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Recap of the last chapter: 

"You woke up?" She casually asks. You nodded weakly in reply. She took that as a yes and went out to call the doctor.

"I hope Nezuko and Tanjiro are alright." 

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"Finally!" The merchant exclaimed as the doctor left the room

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"Finally!" The merchant exclaimed as the doctor left the room. "You've been unconscious for five weeks. But good for me, I was able to find an interested customer." He said. 

"Customer?" You questioned tilting your head to the side. The merchant ignored you and left the room in hurry. You were still puzzled by this whole situation. 

"And here she is!" He barged in bringing a few people. All of them were wearing European-styled clothes with rifles strapped on their backs. "I hope the Emperor likes her." The merchant said. 

"Emperor....? Customer?" Your eyes widened realizing what is happening. You were being sold as a mere object!

"Come with us, girl." One of the guards said. "No! I can't leave Kaa-San and Tou-San!" You yelled getting back on your feet with a bit of struggle. 

"Don't protest girl. We can kill your family. So come with us quietly." Another guard said aiming his rifle at you.

Your eyes widened even more. You raised your hands in defense as your eyes watered. "So, what it is going to be?" He asked waiting for your answer.  

'I can't leave my family.... but if I say no.... they will be killed. And if I say yes... I will never be able to see them.' You thought as tears slowly slipped from your eyes. 'Should I run?' 

You thought taking a step back but then a sight of your family appeared before your eyes. 'They will kill them... if I misbehave. I should just... go with them.' You gave up on the plan of escape. 

"We are still waiting damn it!" One of the guards yelled. "Just say yes or no!" You flinched at the sudden loud voice. "Ye... Yes." You finally answered looking down. Tears quietly slipped down your eyes at the thought of not being able to see your family. 

You suddenly flinched when you didn't feel yourself standing on the floor. You then looked up to see a guard carrying you. "Master wants to see you in perfect condition." He said monotonously. 

You looked over his shoulder to see the merchant counting a huge stack of money with his eyes filled with pure joy. Beside him were bags of that money. 

Lost Bonds (Kamado Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now