Chapter 40

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Fucking finally. 40 CHAPTERS.

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Recap of the last chapter:

"We beg your pardon!" The kakushi bowed as another one did the same. "We beg your pardon, Master!" "Master Tokito!" "We beg your pardon!" "We beg your pardon!" "We assure you that this boy will be severely reprimanded so-" "So, please! Please!"

"Just get out of my sight."

""Yes sir!!""

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You could hear distant yelling but shrugged it off as you went on with the annual meeting.

Kagaya went inside to prepare for the annual meeting leaving you hashiras to exchange a few words.

"And may I know who the hell is she?" Sanemi grumbled as he asked Shinobu. "Quite rude of you! You could ask me directly like a man!"

"Shut up!"

"And to answer your question, I'm Kamado (Name)! A water piller!"

"I knew it! You're that boy's family member!"

You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his remark. But who was he to blame? Those Hashiras.. and every other demon slayer in this Corps including you were robbed of peaceful lives by those ugly and selfish beings. Witnessing a demon live felt almost too unfair... Why would you let those filthy creatures live after ruining lives?!

However, Nezuko was a different case, if people believed in her that she was a harmless demon and killing her would also sound unfair. She has done nothing wrong, so what sin does she have to atone for?

Moving forward to the meeting, first of all, Murata, a low-rank demon slayer, was summoned to report the incident that took place in Mount Natagumo.

Murata was nervous- not nervous but scared to the point he might piss his pants, but you reassured him with a gentle smile and he could feel himself letting go of the worries as he felt like he had flown up to the clouds with no concern. He felt assured, especially with a person he met years ago.

But that soon came crashing down upon hearing the harsh yet true comments on the demon hunters on the younger generation.

With a disappointed look, Tengen spoke. "Should we really expect them to be the ones to take our spots?"

"I'm skeptical too," Obanai commented with a glare aimed personally at Murata and the room is back again to the deafening silence. "You look awful and fragile. Maybe that's why no demon bat an eye to you." Oof- that sounded personal from the sharp tongue that belonged to none other than Shinobu. "That was uncalled for..." Mitsuri hesitated, feeling bad for Murata's shattered esteem.

"Himejima-san?" You called out since you wanted the poor man to leave from their hellish remarks. He hummed in response and soon Murata was dismissed but at what cost? Poor him looked so terrified which worried you a bit.

"So, since we're done with the interrogation, may we introduce ourselves? I want us to get along... you know...? Before we... uh-" You were sure awkward as hell thanks to some of the blank stares you received.

"Like the hell I'd die," Sanemi spoke, surprisingly calmly, or maybe your first encounter was just not friendly. "Of course!! I cheer for your successful future!! Mister.. uh..."

"Shinazugawa Sanemi. I'm the wind pillar." The silence rang back in as you shifted your gaze around the room hoping someone would talk.

"I'm Kanroji Mitsuri!! A love pillar!!" The pinkette squeaked in joy once you finally glanced at her flustered face. "Nice to meet you Kanroji-San!! I'm Kamado (Name)!! Water pillar!"

"Isn't Tomioka a water pillar already?" Obanai spoke which made Mitsuri abandon her upcoming reply. The question made you freeze momentarily and snort out an anxious chuckle. "Well, I became a Hashira .. around.. 6 years ago! So I do not know about the newer ones you know!! Hahaha!!" 'DID YOU HAVE TO LAUGH LIKE THAT?!' You cringed at your laugh, still maintaining a sweet smile.

"So we're kicking out Tomioka?" Shinobu asked, a tad bit upset which was unnoticeable by all. "No! He will stay by my side! Right?!" You looked over to Giyuu confidently; his reply was like a sharp blade cutting your heart multiple times.

"No. I'll be quitting." His cold voice! What a pain in your chest! Oh!

"How could you!!"

"I can."

"Is that the payment for our friendship?!"


"That's what I thought!"

The rest of the pillars glanced back and forth (except Gyomei- NO EYES HAH!) between the two water pillars while they had a one-sided fight which was comical due to how dramatic you were with the hand over your chest and a slight pout on your lips.

"Should we stop them?" Mitsuri whispered in worry. "No. Let them be. It's quite entertaining!!" Tengen laughed, watching the silly drama with a wide amused grin.

It wasn't long until Kagaya's children entered the room to announce his arrival to the room soon.

You could only brace yourself for the first meeting you will ever have the fellow hashiras of the new generation; Kamado (Name), Himejima Gyomei, Uzui Tengen, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Rengoku Kyojuro, Kanroji Mitsuri, Iguro Obanai, Kocho Shinobu and Tomioka Giyuu.

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So I shifted countries and had to settle in which was hard... anyways a lot happened, getting sick and suffering from my relatives always knocking on the damn door and legit.. NO WIFI ARGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH



So anyways I lost motivation to write and even text anyone so slowly Im recovering and getting back on track to my lost hobbies and life I used to had back in *sobs*

since my obsession over is getting wild so I don't have to tell yall what do I do whenever Im on laptop

Also life goals, reading smut before going to religious school and writing a fanfic before going there

I hate it in this country I hope I'll be back cus ain't no way dad would let us all live with those hungry relatives

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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