Chapter 19

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Recap of the last chapter:

You finally left the town with the feeling of accomplishment since you have saved lives. Not all but at least this town's lives are safe now.

'I guess being a demon slayer isn't that bad when you save lives.'

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Chiko flew away as you followed him

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Chiko flew away as you followed him. It was a long walk but eventually, you reached it. It was quiet since people were probably sleeping in their houses.

(Or banging some- Alright I'll stop)

Chiko left so it's only you and the demon in the town now.

You walked through the empty streets in hope of finding the demon lurking. Soon enough, you felt a presence walking. You wasted no second and ran off to the demon.

Around the corner, you could see a demon dragging the body of a woman. You took in a deep breath with your hand on the hilt of the sword ready for the battle.

"Total concentration. Water breathing. First form: Water surface slash."

You concentrated your strength on the impending attack, leaped toward the demon, and swung your sword to decapitate him.

His eyes widened in response and he backed away from you just in time. "Surprise attacks are cheating!" The demon growled at you as you stared back blankly.

"Say something!" Roared the demon, irritated at your silence. You were still staring blankly at him. Then the demon suddenly lunged at you.

"Total concentration. Water breathing. Fourth form: Striking tide."

You muttered audibly as you swung your sword at the demon and beheaded him. You did not bother to pay attention to his screaming and kept walking toward the dead body.

Chiko flew over you and then landed next to the corpse. "Follow me." He said, to which you tilted your head in confusion. "We will take the body to her family." He said, and you nodded.

You removed the haori from the woman and covered her face. You slid your arms under her body and shivered at the cold touch. You lifted her and followed your kasugai crow.

You soon stopped in front of a house. Your heart dropped as your courage to face the woman's family vanished. Beads of sweat dripped down your forehead as you hardly gulped.

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