Chapter 6

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Recap of the last chapter:

"That's not fair!" Sabito yelled throwing a pillow aiming at Giyuu's face. Urokodaki heard three of you still talking and it was getting late.

"Back to bed!" He ordered and three of you immediately laid on each of your futons and went to sleep.

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The next day came around

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The next day came around. You were seated on the large boulder reading the books as Giyuu and Sabito were training.

You were reading the books on the rulings since you wanted to know if the rumors were true. But you found nothing but you found a few lines that seemed a bit suspicious to you but didn't think much of it.

"Found anything?" Sabito asked as he took a seat next to you. "No." You sighed in disappointment. "It's impossible to go back to my family now." You said sadly.

"Don't give up that early. I'm sure any problem would be solved. Even wiping out the existence of demons!" He exclaimed fisting his hands up.

"Speaking of demons, can you tell me about them?" You asked curious to learn about this species that were hidden from the world.

"Are you sure?" You nodded in reply. "Well, they are man-eating creatures who feast on humans to survive, or else they will go berserk. The more humans they eat, the stronger they grow. Humans get turned into demons and that's how their population grows. And their weakness is sunlight. Exposing them to a small bit of sunlight can burn them till they disintegrate to dust. And one last thing! Their appearance won't age so it's hard for us to predict their real age." He explained as you listened to every word he said.

"Thank you. And now you can go." You said. "Wha-" Before he can speak further, Giyuu grabbed the corner of his haori from below and dragged him down making Sabito hit the ground.

"You will pay for this!" He yelled chasing the laughing Giyuu. You smiled at their small silliness then went back to reread the books.

The first and second books you read were pretty normal except for the curse they mention but the third was pretty sketchy.

While reading it, you drew a line under specific sentences and marked the page by folding its corner.

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'The royal family had a curse of having sensitive skin so the events of celebration have to be taken at night.'

Lost Bonds (Kamado Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now